“A moment in time changed forever!” Many of us must have heard people expressing their emotion with this saying. True it is, one moment of life can make big changes, maybe the positive ones or maybe the negative ones. Now, imagine about one hour of the day! What drastic changes can happen with alteration of one hour from the daylight? Daylight saving time (DST) is something where the DST users are trained to run forward their clock by one hour during the summer time or with the arrival of spring season and run their clock backwards by one hour during the fall season. Daylight saving time (DST) will start on 12th March, 2017 and will last till the 5th of November, 2017.
For most people who are aware of what Daylight saving time is, good news comes right here with the fact that we will be having the Daylight saving time (DST) switch on this 12th of March from night 2 AM (i.e. Sunday), when an extra 60 minutes of the day will benefit people allowing a chance to be engaged in more of the activities.
However, losing 60 minutes of the sleep hour from the night time can be troublesome throwing the body on a temporary loop. In this current article we will know about the Daylight Saving Time and its various health effects on people, focusing primarily on the health effects of time change.
Why Is There Daylight Saving Time (DST)?
Daylight saving time starts during the spring or early summer and also during the onset of autumn. In case of the Daylight saving time (DST) during the summer time, we adjust our clock one hour forward which effectively advances an hour of the daylight from morning to evening. This may seem to be advantageous for people who are into various engaging activities during daytime as they will be having one hour of extra time to work, it may prove to have adverse effect on some people because of the fact they get an hour less to sleep.
Moving our clock on either direction, i.e. forward or backwards creates a principle-time-cue-light for setting and resetting the 24 hours of circadian rhythm or the natural cycle. With this, there are chances that our internal body clock goes out of the synchronization and people might face some ill health issues based on how well or how bad our body can adjust with the change in time during daytime saving time (DST). Now, it is true that how well we adjust with the altered time depends on our personal health, lifestyle and sleeping habits. Most people who complain about health problems with Daylight saving time (DST) are affected by the sleep deprivation or lack of enough sleep during this time in the night hours. More about the health effects of Daylight saving time will be discussed on the later part of the section.
What Are The Effects of Daylight Saving Time (DST):
One of the quote from Barry Commoner comes as, “No action comes without side effects”. DST or daylight saving time has some public safety and the health side effects which can be challenging at times. However, there are also some positive impacts of Daylight saving time (DST) on people’s health, economic growth etc which can actually be great news to people with the onset of the Daylight saving time. Let us discuss in brief about all the effects of DST
Economic Effect of Daylight Saving Time
Daylight saving time or DST during spring is beneficial for businesses, offices, shopping stores etc as people engaged with them get extra one hour of productive time. Work productivity and economic state is somehow enhanced during DST.
Impact of Daylight Saving Time of DST on Public Safety
It is found from various studies that because of lack of sleep on the Daylight saving time (DST) night, the very next day morning worker are injured more severely at work. A study done during the year 2009 in US states reveals it clearly. So, public safety might be a concern with the approach of DST or the daylight saving time.
Health Effects of Time Change
It is found that many people suffer from various health issues during the Daylight saving time (DST), mostly due to the lack of sleep. There are chances of heart attacks and other heart issues, there are chances you overeat during this time, high blood pressure can be experienced etc. However there are also some good effects of Daylight saving time (DST) on health, and one of the most important ones is people feel a kind of extreme happiness during this time and get engaged in more of productivity because of a relaxed and happy mind during the day.
Positive Health Effect of Daylight Saving Time:
- Positive impact on mind with a feeling of happiness during day time: One of the most crucial positive effects of Daylight saving time (DST) is it provides a kind of happiness in mind. “Happiness in mood gets a real success in deeds”. Now imagine the fact that while you are leaving for your workstation on Monday, i.e. the day after Daylight saving time (DST) switches on you finds the sun is overhead shinning pleasantly. It is known that sunlight helps in increasing serotonin level in the body which helps in improving mood.
Negative Health Effects of Daylight Saving Time:
There are various side effects of Daylight saving time (DST) which can be a real big reason of worry to many people. Let us discuss some of them below.
- High Blood Pressure Issues with Daylight Saving Time (DST): People are seen having high blood pressure issues during Daylight saving time (DST). Because of a deprivation in sleep, the nervous system gets into overdrive and puts excessive stress on the body. This may cause high blood pressure in people during daylight saving time.
- Risk of Heart Attacks with Time Change: Several studies have shown that there are increasing risks of heart attack once the Daylight saving time (DST) is switched on and the chances of heart attack decreases once the time is once again switched to the standard time in the clock. The risk for heart attacks is increased by 10% more during DST.
- Hormonal Imbalances Caused Due to Daylight Saving Time (DST): Lack of sleep leads to hormonal imbalances and increases the production of a hormone called Ghrelin which is known to increase the hunger in body. So, you might overeat during this time, which is more than the standard diet.
- Lack of Concentration During the Early Morning Hours: There may be problems in concentrating on Monday,( i.e. the day after 12th march this year in recent times) because of improper or a reduced sleep on the daylight saving time on 12th of March.
- Feeling More Tired: It feels like you are tired enough to unwind the day and go for a sleep even during the morning hours once Daylight saving time (DST) is switched on.
How To Adjust With The Daylight Saving Time To Keep Away From Its Side Effects:
Check out what all measures can be taken so as to prevent self from the negative impacts of daylight saving time (DST).
- Do set your alarm in the suitable way to wake up one hour before your usual time. This will help you come out of your bed easily and also aids you in keeping a good concentration during morning hours.
- Make sure you are first meal of the day with the DST switched on is a king’s meal! Take heavy breakfast and give your body the power to lead a wonderful day.
- Try going to sleep one hour earlier in the night and that gets you enough sleep hours. Adjust your children with the same routine one week before the DST.
- The sunlight naturally helps your body to adjust your body clock. Have a decent exposure with the sunlight.
Common FAQs Related To Daylight Saving Time:
When Is It Needed To Set The Time?
As the DST starts at 2 am on 12th March, 2017 and lasts until 5th of November, 2017, you need to set your alarm clock one hour forward the night before going to sleep so that you can manage getting up in the right time.
Why is Daylight Saving Time (DST) Observed?
DST or the Daylight saving time is mostly observed in all states of United States of America, except Hawaii and Arizona. This is observed so as to save energy by moving forwards an additional 60 minutes of the daylight from morning to evening.
How Long Will It Take To Adapt Selves With The Time Changes During Daylight Saving Time (DST)?
It usually takes at least one day time to get adjusted with the change in time in DST.
They say, “If adjustment is necessary, make it the primary!” Most of the health issues linked with the daylight saving time can be eradicated easily with proper management and adjustment. It is good to take the necessary steps and follow the precautions accordingly so as you train your body to adjust with the time change during Daylight Saving Time (DST) in a better way and thus enhance the happiness and productivity with the start of daylight saving time.