Difference Between Branded Drugs and Generic Drugs

Are you aware of the generic drugs available which are equally effective like the branded drugs, but are available at a real lower cost that makes it easier for the people to purchase it and take their prescribed medicines on time and on a regular basis? There is usually a misconception that generic drugs are of inferior quality when compared with the branded drugs. Well! It is true, “A brand name has its own worth.” But it will also be right to say here, “Not everything which is available at a cheaper cost lack quality.” The generic drugs are tested to meet the quality similar to the FDA’s standard. More on the generic drugs and the difference between the branded drugs and generic drugs will be studied in the following array of the article. Primarily the content focuses on the difference between the branded drugs and the generic drugs.

Difference Between Branded Drugs and Generic Drugs

What Are Branded Drugs And Generic Drugs?

Let us first know what exactly branded drugs and the generic drugs mean. Branded drugs are also called as the “Innovator drugs” and are at first available in the market as new chemical entities. However, the Generic drugs are actually the copies of the branded drugs having the same chemical composition where there is similarity in the presence of active components though the inactive components used may vary from those in the branded drugs.

Similarities Between Branded Drugs And The Generic Drugs:

Before proceeding with the differences we must take a very quick look on the similarities between the branded drugs and the generic drugs. Well! It can be rightly said that the generic drugs are the ones having similar chemical compositions as that of the branded drugs. The active components in generic drug are similar to the active components in the branded drug. Though there is a misconception that generic drugs may not be as effective as the branded ones, it must be noted that there is also the similarity between these two types of drugs in terms of their effectiveness. Like the branded drugs, the FDA or the Food and Drug Administration requires to have the same quality and must be tested before making available in the market. This must also be noted that generic drugs are as safe as the branded drugs.

Differences Between The Branded Drugs And The Generic Drugs:

Now, here comes our topic of concern in real. Let us here discuss and note down the varied points that mentions about the differences between the branded drugs and the generic drugs.

Difference Between Branded Drugs and Generic Drugs

  1. Difference Based On The Patent Protection By The Manufacturing Company:

    The most crucial difference between the branded drugs and the generic drugs is they are produced by a company which holds the patent for 20 years. However, the generic drugs are made available at the market by the pharmaceutical companies only after the patent protection period expires, i.e. only after 20 years.

  2. Difference In The Cost:

    One of the major differences is the difference in the cost. The brand name drugs are far expensive than the generic drugs.

  3. Difference In The Inactive Components:

    Though the active components in generic drugs are similar to the branded drugs active component, the inactive components may vary. For instance, the dyes or preservatives used may vary.

  4. Difference In The Color And Shape:

    There is a difference in the color of a generic drug and the brand name drug. The drug production requires the use of inactive ingredients like dyes, filters and preservatives. The Trademark laws from the brand name drug companies restricts the generic drug manufacturing companies to produce the similar looking drugs and thus they look different in the color and also in the shape.

Some Common FAQs Related To The Generic Drugs And The Branded Drugs:

If you have been looking for the difference between generic drugs and the branded drugs or if you are willing to use the generic drugs in place of the branded ones then this is for sure you must be having certain queries in your mind. So, here we have mentioned some of the common FAQs linked to branded drugs and the generic drugs.

  1. Why Do Generic Drugs Cost Low?

    The generic drugs production does not require the research and development cost as they are copied from the branded drugs. This makes them available at a lower price.

  2. How To Know If A Generic Drug Is Safe?

    The generic drug manufacturers who make the generic drugs available for sale must show that the drugs are bioequivalent to the brand name drugs, i.e. the active ingredients are exactly similar and in the absolute proportion or in exact dose as that of the brand name drugs.

  3. What Is The Price Difference Between The Branded Drugs And The Generic Drugs?

    As per a report by National Association of Chain Drug Stores done during the year 2008, the average price of the branded drugs came to about $137.90, while it was $35.22 in the generic drugs’ average price.

  4. How To Get A Generic Drug?

    While visiting a doctor for any sort of disease treatment you can ask him to prescribe the generic drugs for the brand name drugs available for your illness or condition. You can ask for the same at the chemist shop.

  5. Are Generic Drugs Equally Strong And Safe As The Branded Drugs?

    Yes! The generic drugs are equally strong and safe as the branded drugs. It is mandatory for the generic drug manufacturing companies that the drugs match the FDA standard like that of the branded drugs.

  6. What Are “Ultragenerics” Drugs?

    Sometimes the generic drugs are also produced by the brand name companies. Such drugs are called as Ultragenerics or Psuedogenerics.

Branded Drugs Or Generic Drugs: Which One To Consider?

The most important thing to note down between branded drugs and the generic drugs is, both contain the similar active ingredients and generic drugs are equally effective and safe as the branded ones. So it can be said that there is no major difference between the two drug types. However generic drugs are available at a lower price and thus it makes it affordable for most of the people.

regulatory affairs project manager often oversees the approval process, ensuring that both branded and generic drugs meet the necessary regulatory standards. This includes assessing the inactive ingredients in generic drugs, which might differ from those in branded drugs. In some cases, these inactive ingredients could cause allergic reactions in certain patients. In such situations, preference might be given to branded drugs.

Apart from all, it can be said that there is no major difference between the branded drugs and the generic drugs that could limit the use of either of them and the generic drugs are absolutely safe and strong compared to the branded drugs and match the FDA standard as that of the branded ones.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 21, 2024

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