The meanest thing that a mosquito can do to you is to bite you in the eyelid. Mosquitoes biting anywhere in the exposed area of the body is irritating but when it bites on the eyelid it can be a bit more than irritating for you. The skin around the eyelid is extremely sensitive and hence it tends to swell up quite easily following a Mosquito Bite on the Eyelid. It may lead to swelling of the eyelids and may also cause the eyes to become red. Mosquito Bite on the Eyelid may make it difficult for you to open or close the eyes and can make sleeping difficult for you. Babies tend to suffer most with Mosquito Bite on the Eyelid as they are not able to bear the itching sensation and burning and pain that is caused due to the mosquito bite.
In some cases, Mosquito Bite on Eyelid can cause fluid buildup causing intense itching. There will always be a feeling of rubbing the eyes to get rid of the itching sensation although it is the worst thing to do as it may aggravate the inflammation. There are some effective home remedies to get rid of mosquito bite on eyelids. It is highly recommended to use ice packs on the eyelids to calm down the swelling, irritation, and inflammation caused due to Mosquito Bite on the Eyelid. Below mentioned are some simple home remedies that can be used for Mosquito Bite on the Eyelid.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Mosquito Bite on Eyelid
Cold Water and Ice Pack to Get Rid of Mosquito Bite on Eyelid: This is quite a useful Home Remedy for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. As soon as you note that you are bitten by a Mosquito on the Eyelid then the first thing that you need to do is splash some cold water on the face. This will help taking out the sting of the mosquito bite. This can then be followed by placing an ice pack over the eyelid region which helps in calming down the pain and some swelling which may have developed. Ice Packs tend to make the affected area numb and thus the feelings of itchiness and pain is kept at bay. Ice Packs also help in fluid secretion and thus prevent any accumulation of fluid around the eyelid region. It should be noted here that ice packs need not be kept for more than 15-20 minutes two to three times a day as keeping it for more than that may lead to tissue damage.
Apple Cider Vinegar: This is also quite an effective Home Remedy to get rid of Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. Apple Cider Vinegar has many anti-inflammatory properties and helps in preventing the eyelids from getting swollen and inflamed after Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. You can take some Apple Cider Vinegar and add some water to it to make a solution. Now take a cotton ball and dip it in the solution and rub it around the affected eyelid region. This will bring down the swelling and inflammation immediately and prevent any further aggravation of the inflammation caused due to Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. Caution needs to be maintained when applying this to children as their skin is too tender and sensitive and may cause irritation to the skin and one should make sure that this solution is not put directly in the eye as it may cause eye irritation and aggravate the condition.
Home Remedy for Mosquito Bite on the Eyelids Using Baking Soda in Warm Water: Baking Soda is a very helpful home remedy for a number of properties that it possesses and not surprisingly it is also helpful for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. Baking Soda is being used as a remedy for various illnesses since the ancient times. When it is mixed with warm water it becomes a useful alkaline solution which when applied on the affected eyelids calms down the inflammation and prevents any swelling from developing due to Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. The effect of baking soda can be seen within a matter of a few minutes.
Aloe Vera for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid: Aloe Vera is an effective home remedy for calming down inflammation caused due to mosquito bite on the eyelids. This can also be used in cases of Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. Aloe vera is being widely used nowadays for skin protection by many people. Applying aloe vera to the affected eye will not only calm down the swelling but will also control swelling that may be caused due to Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. It can either be used directly or can be mixed in yogurt and then applied on the eye for instant results.
Home Remedy for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid Using Toothpaste: Surprising but true, toothpaste is an extremely effective home remedy for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. White toothpaste has a balanced mix of baking soda, triclosan and hydrogen peroxide which is quite effective in calming down the inflammation and control swelling caused due to Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. It should be noted here that colored or gel toothpaste should not be used for this purpose as it will not be effective since they have a different combination. For optimal results try and use herbal toothpastes available in the market which have other herbs as well which may be effective for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid.
Honey as a Home Remedy for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid: Honey has natural anti-inflammatory properties and hence is an effective Home Remedy for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. You can simply apply some honey on the affected eyelid and let it remain there for some time. It helps in alleviating pain and control swelling and inflammation and the results can be seen instantly after applying honey for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. In case of Mosquito Bite on the Eyelids on children then try and avoid putting honey as it tends to attract insects which will do more harm than good.
Dry Soap Bar for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid: Bathing soap is also a good Home Remedy for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. Good antiseptic soaps work well in controlling swelling caused due to insect bite. Same goes for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid. Make sure that the soap bar used is dry and a wet soap may go into the eye and cause more irritation. Herbal soaps available in market can also be used for this purpose.
Epsom Salt for Mosquito Bite on Eyelids: This is also one of the commonly used home remedies to get rid of mosquito bite on eyelid. You can dilute the epsom salt in water and take a cotton ball and dip it in the solution and then apply it to t he affected eye. This will help in calming down inflammation and swelling and get rid of pain caused due to mosquito bite on the eyelids.
Herbal Oil for Mosquito Bite on Eyelid: There are a lot of herbal oils available in the market which can be used effectively as a home remedy for mosquito bite on the eyelids. Herbal oils controls inflammation and prevents any swelling from developing. The most commonly used oil is lavender oil for Mosquito Bite on the Eyelid. Coconut oil is also used due to its anti-inflammatory properties and is an effective home remedy against Mosquito Bite on the Eyelids.
Garlic and Onions for Mosquito Bite on the Eyelid: This is also an effective home remedy against Mosquito Bite on Eyelid and is easily available at home. Minced garlic and onions can be applied directly to the affected eye to reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation caused due to Mosquito Bite on Eyelid.
Mosquito Bite on Eyelid can be easily prevented if proper maintenance is done of the surroundings. Keep the home neat and clean and avoid any clogging of water anywhere, especially in the kitchen or bathroom so that it does not become a breeding place for mosquitoes. If out camping near a lake or river or out in the woods, take appropriate measures like mosquito repellant and creams so that mosquitoes stay away from you and you do not get an irritating condition like a Mosquito Bite on the Eyelid.