5 Natural Remedies & 10 Exercises to Get Rid of Double Chin

There are lots of researchers who proved that junk food can be harmful if it is consumed regularly. By consuming such foods people face the problem of obesity. Obesity is a stage where in human body is much prone to diseases. Due to obesity, people face problem of double chin as well. Not only do overweight people but a slim person can also face the problem of having double chin. Thankfully not everyone has to resort to surgery to remove double chin, there are some natural remedies and exercises which can help you get rid of your double chin.

Natural effective ways & Exercises to reduce double chin

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Double Chin

Chew Sugar-free Gums to Reduce Double Chin Naturally

If you want to get rid of your double chin, it is imperative to keep your facial muscles toned as well as give the muscles in your jaw line a good exercise. The best way to do this is to chew sugar free gum. Sugar-free gums also help in maintaining healthy gums and teeth. In a simple word, chewing sugar free gums several times a day can be an effective natural remedy to get rid of your double chin quickly.

Massage with Wheat Germ Oil

Massaging your neck regularly with wheat germ oil is an effective natural remedy to get rid of double chin. Wheat germ oil contains the goodness of vitamin E that nourishes and helps tighten the skin. Before going to bed, massage the chin area in upwards direction from the bottom of the neck for around 12-15 minutes with wheat germ oil. Allow oil to stay on your skin overnight. Repeat this procedure regularly to notice improvement in appearance of double chin.

Drink Green Tea to Lose Weight from Chin

Green tea is considered as the healthy beverage as it contains potent antioxidants and many components that help in speeding up the metabolism rate. This helps in losing weight and burn extra calories. Green tea is available in various flavors; you can choose one that suits your taste and start your day with a cup of green tea. But do keep in mind that just drinking green tea alone will not be enough, you need to accompany that with some regular massage and chin exercises to get rid of the double chin quickly and naturally.

Increase Intake of Vitamin E

Vitamin E increases the elasticity of skin and the general health of skin. Mostly Vitamin E is found in wheat germ oil, dairy products, green leafy vegetables, soybeans, seeds and nuts, peanuts and liver. In your daily diet, include foods rich in Vitamin E as much as possible. You can also opt for Vitamin E supplements as per the doctor’s recommendation.

Applying Egg Whites Can Be An Effective Natural Remedy To Get Rid of Double Chin

An egg white mask helps in getting rid of double chin as it helps in skin tightening. Egg white is also considered good for the overall health of the skin. Whisk two egg whites together, add one tablespoon of milk, lemon juice and honey. Add some drops of peppermint essential oil and apply this mask around your neck and chin area. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. For quick result do this once daily.

10 Exercises to Get Rid of Double Chin

Here are some exercises which will help in reducing unnecessary fat on the face which hides your actual charm and as well help you to get rid of that double chin.

10 Effective Exercises to Reduce Double Chin

Tongue Press Exercise to Get Rid of Double Chin

Sit straight, angle your head to face the ceiling. Put pressure to your mouth’s roof by pressing tongue against it. Lower your chin to your chest. Relax by returning tongue to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.

Make A Circle Exercise to Get Rid of Double Chin

Angle your head back so that it faces the ceiling. Lock your lips tightly, then open it little bit so that you can form ‘O’ shape by your mouth. Hold this position for minimum 20 seconds. Repeat this exercise a couple of times.

Chin Press Rotation Exercise

This can be a useful exercise to get rid of your double chin. To do this exercise, sit or stand with your back cocked, rotate your head in slow motion with your chin. Drive your chin to turn from one shoulder to another with the help of the chest. Complete this exercise in set of 10 in each direction.

Jaw Stopper Exercise to Reduce Double Chin

Move your jaw up and down in a way that you are chewing and keeping your lips shut. Take breadth deeply and release it swiftly. Keeping tip of tongue at lower teeth, open your mouth as much as possible and do respiration by making sound for 90 seconds.


Place your thumb on one side of your jaw below your jaw bone where it turns upward towards your ears. Keep index finger on the opposite side of the jaw and push forward against your hand with neck and head. You will sense a feeling of chin tightening on completing this exercise. Do this exercise for 30 seconds.

Lying Down Head Lift Exercise

This is a simple exercise but can be an effective one in getting rid of your double chin. Lie down on bed, with your head on the edge of the bed. Keep your neck in a position where your head is hanging relaxed. This will contract your muscles at the front of your neck. Now, slowly take your head towards chest. Repeat this movement a couple of time. Please note, people who have a pre-existing neck condition should consult with their doctor before doing this exercise for double chin.

Kiss the Sky Exercise for Double Chin

Standing erect opening your arms at your sides move your head back so that you are looking at sky then try to kiss sky by extending the lips as much as possible. You should feel the stress on your neck or chin. Repeat this exercise a couple of times. If performed regularly, this exercise can be quite effective in helping you get rid of your double chin.

Move Out Your Lips

Move out your lower lip as much as you can, place a finger on your chin and try to lower your chin towards the chest against the resistance of your finger. Do it for 10 seconds.

Holding Out Your Tongue

Open your mouth as wide as you can until feel a bit of stress on your jaw, then take out your tongue forcefully and hold it out for some sometime or as long as you can.

Neck Stretching Exercises to Reduce Double Chin

To do this exercise for double chin, sit on the floor and place your left hand on the floor. Now bring your right hand over the top of your head such that your right hand fingers wraps around the left ear. Keeping your head in alignment with your neck, bend your head toward your right shoulder, use your palm to gently press down your head to your shoulder. Then take your left hand off the floor and place them on your shoulder, applying gentle pressure to press the shoulder down and away from your head. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Release your hands, return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side. Repeat this couple of times.

With these exercises you can not only get rid of your double chin but can also tone your face and make it look attractive as well as fit.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 7, 2018

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