The Importance of Heart Models in Teaching CHD to Medical Students

The cardiovascular system’s function is to transport blood throughout the body. For that, it relies on the heart for pumping blood through blood vessels (veins, arteries, and capillaries). As blood circulates through these vessels, nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the cells while carbon dioxide and waste products are removed from them.

Understanding cardiovascular diseases is as comprehensive as understanding the cardiovascular system. Arrhythmias make the heart beat erratically, coronary artery disease causes the heart’s arteries to narrow, and heart failure results from the heart’s inability to pump blood effectively. To help students understand the causes and effects of a disease, detailed anatomical diagrams and EKG strips can be used to visualize these heart conditions. However, anatomical heart models are the most useful tool for explaining and reviewing how the heart and circulatory system are put together.

To better understand how the cardiovascular system works, it can be helpful to be able to hold, look at, and occasionally even dissect a model of a heart. With the use of heart models, healthcare professionals can clearly explain something to their students, facilitating student learning and making their job easier.

There are many different heart models on the market today. But not all of them are appropriate for every circumstance. Models can have different dimensions and specifications and be applied to different educational levels, from elementary biology classes to universities. You could choose between a life-sized anatomical heart model, a traditional heart, or a giant-sized heart model, depending on your needs. These frequently display various degrees of detail of the atrium, ventricles, veins, valves, and aorta in the human heart. Some will include the chambers and internal framework.

Another important consideration is the model’s size. The large-scale models make it easier for students to see everything clearly and without skipping a single detail. The more the models can be examined to reveal finer details the better the idea the observer will have of how the posterior, interior and exterior really look like.

The following are some anatomical heart models you might want to consider.

Human Heart Model, Life Size, 7 Part by 3B Scientific

This model, which is an accurate representation of a real human heart, has been didactically designed to help students comprehend the structure and function of the heart. The cardiac valves are shown in diastole and on the base they are shown in systole. A simple demonstration is possible by cutting through the median plane. With meticulous attention to detail and excellent craftsmanship, this heart model is without a doubt, one of the best heart models currently available. The following set of features is what makes this anatomical heart model a great investment.

  • This model is extremely accurate and shows all of the original heart structures.
  • The normal anatomical structures of the papillary muscles and heart valves are visible in 2 atria and 2 ventricles.
  • Dissected in a special way in the median plane to best show the flow of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.
  • Both the diastolic and systolic states are shown in the heart model.
  • The heart valves are extremely durable because they are made of elastic plastic.
  • The heart is displayed in its natural position in the human body.
  • A life-size replica of a human heart.
  • Magnetic assembly (7 pieces) that is simple to use and entertaining for demonstrations.

Human Heart Model, 3X Life Size by Axis

This heart model is a fantastic educational tool because it is an anatomically correct enlarged replica of the human heart. It’s a 3X life-size heart anatomy model that includes 39 anatomical parts that are all listed in the corresponding full-colour product manual. What makes it a great tool for anatomy education is the fact that it provides a larger-than-life observational and physical view of the human heart’s structures and can be dissected into three separate pieces. The model also has numbered anatomical parts that are identified in the fully illustrated study booklet, hidden magnets for re-assembly, and both.

Top features:

  • With its larger-than-life size and ability to be divided into three main parts, his 3x enlarged heart anatomy model offers an uninterrupted view of the internal anatomy of the heart.
  • Designed by medical experts and painstakingly hand-assembled with the utmost care.
  • The product manual includes a thorough list of the anatomical parts featured on the model and real photographs of the product.

Giant Anatomical Heart Model, 4 Parts by 3B Scientific

If you’re looking for a large heart model that is incredibly accurate and realistic to use as a teaching tool in large classrooms or during lectures, this option is a good one to consider. The twice-size of a human real heart makes it simpler to study and examine the heart’s finer details. Additionally, the heart can be broken down into four pieces to reveal an interior replica of the heart that is anatomically correct.

One of the greatest reasons to want to invest in this model is that it included a range of features to make it as useful as possible in teaching. As it’s supplied with a removable stand, it can also be used for hand-free demonstrations. Some would say that it is one of the most comprehensive models of its kids.

This model also comes with free access to the 3B Smart Anatomy Course, which contains 117 virtual anatomy models and 23 digital anatomy lectures. Additionally, free of charge, product registration increases the warranty of your model from 3 to 5.

Human Heart Pumping Model by Learning Resources

This pump is used to simulate the heart beating, and the included red dye is combined with water to represent the blood in the body. By observing how the “blood” travels from the left side of the heart to the lungs and back to the right side of the heart, both professionals and students can learn or review the fundamentals of the circulatory system.

This model’s pump-action circulatory system makes it ideal for experiential learning. On the front of the model, each section of the heart is identified by name, and on the back is written a detailed explanation of what each side of the heart does.

Top Features:

  • Using water and a hand pump, it illustrates how vitally important heart and pulmonary blood flow is.
  • Veins, major arteries, heart chambers, and the lungs are all clearly labelled.
  • Easy assembly is required to get it working.
  • Includes a learning aid booklet that is split into sections for instruction and information.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 12, 2023

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