When you manage a lot of people, keeping them all straight can be difficult. You want to know how everyone’s doing and ensure they’re working to the best of their ability under your guidance. However, it may be hard to determine if someone is dealing with physical or mental issues. You should build a solid rapport with your team so they know they can come to you with anything.
Here are a few ways to boost your employees’ well-being and trust in you while helping them achieve their goals at work.
1. Advocate for Work-Life Balance
You should always want your employees to care for themselves outside of work. Maintaining a good work-life balance is crucial to helping people feel their best and come in each day with a good attitude. About 66% of Americans believe they have no work-life balance, which can make it difficult for them to relax and unwind when off the clock. Encourage them to set boundaries and improve their lifestyles.
2. Allow Days Off Without Question
Sometimes, people need to take days off, but they won’t take them for fear of being judged. You should allow time off without questioning why. If they want to tell you, they can. Otherwise, you can think of it as not your business.
Some people just need a mental health day to rest and care for themselves. Emotional well-being can be stigmatized in some workplaces, and some may choose to keep their feelings to themselves. You should strive to create an environment where employees feel safe communicating that they need time for their mental health.
3. Provide Social Opportunities
Not everyone will take you up on the offers for socialization, but you should still have opportunities for people to make friends with their co-workers, especially if they work remotely. Being more social makes people stronger emotionally and physically, leading to better health. Some people don’t get the opportunity to socialize outside of work, so having chances to talk to others could improve someone’s mental health drastically.
4. Have Enough Staff
The great part about having a lot of staff is that you’ll have positions covered if someone needs to call out. Nobody should be forced to work when they’re sick. You should have enough workers on hand to distribute the extra projects to without overburdening people. This way, your workplace will be fine with the additional workload.
5. Be Empathetic
Some people might think you’re just trying to check off a box by ensuring they’re comfortable. When you take the initiative to check on employees’ wellness and prove that you care about them, people will be more likely to stick around. Make mental health a priority, and everyone will feel better about approaching you with their issues. It’s a good way to make the office feel united.
6. Create Solid Schedules
One of the best ways to maintain a work-life balance is to set solid schedules. Encourage your employees to establish a routine when they get home from work, including a regular bedtime so they get enough rest. Adults need around eight hours of sleep every night to function well the next day. If you can, also ensure they don’t need to work overtime. It’ll help their mental health to have a designated ending time.
7. Host Learning Opportunities
Learning opportunities are a great way to teach employees how to care for themselves. You could have a seminar during some lunches that address the importance of nutrition or getting enough rest. It might be the only way that your employees access this information. These sessions help them learn more about themselves and encourage them to prioritize themselves.
8. Check in With Everyone
You should notice if people spend too much time on certain things. The workload might be too heavy for some people. Checking in shows them that you care and reminds them to look after themselves. Aim to do this weekly to ensure everyone is doing OK.
9. Provide Encouragement
Managers should learn how their employees function best. It might be difficult to tailor encouragement for each person, but working with them long enough should give you a sense of how they respond best. Praising them consistently may make them more likely to perform well.
10. Receive Feedback Well
Feedback tells people what they’re doing right so they know to continue doing it. It also lets them know where improvement is possible. Though it can be tough to receive constructive criticism, you should ask for it frequently. Knowing how to support your team will help you become a better boss.
Create an Environment of Trust
Not every employee will feel comfortable approaching their employer about something. They may not want to talk about where they fall short during work or be apprehensive about asking for a mental health day.
Strive to be the type of company people can come to with their achievements and struggles. Though it might take some work, this level of trust benefits everyone involved in the workplace.