About Dyslexia In Adults:
There is a big misconception among people that an individual or a child with dyslexia has problems with reading. This is completely incorrect, especially in adults. An adult with dyslexia may be slow in reading but all otherwise be completely normal just like any other individual in intelligence. The primary feature of dyslexia in adults is problems with short term or working memory, pronouncing words, and difficulty to process visual cues. However, despite these weaknesses such individuals have extraordinarily strong verbal reasoning [1].
A person who is lacking confidence and has extremely low self-esteem, may find it tough to engage in social environment and can be branded as an anxious, depressed, or a shy individual. However, very few people may think that it may be due to underlying dyslexia. Studies have shown that dyslexic adults have extremely high intelligence. This is the reason why they tend to get quite emotional when they find it difficult to do certain things either at college or at work. This tends to cause excessive performance stress which may cause them to take time off of work or studies [1].
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is something that is quite common both in children and adults with dyslexia. This article gives an overview of some of the causes and treatment options for adults with dyslexia [1].
What Causes Dyslexia In Adults & How To Manage The Condition?
Dyslexia is a broader term used for a variety of problems with regard to learning. Thus two dyslexic adults may have problems with different aspects of learning.
Phonological deficit is believed to be the primary cause of dyslexia according to research. Phonologic is the term used to describe sounds that come out when speaking. It may be just plain language or speaking out letters of the alphabets. Adults with dyslexia have problems with breaking down words into small sections to pronounce them better [2].
According to studies, this deficit occurs on the left hemisphere of the brain. This part of the brain is related to processing language and words. Thus when reading, the left hemisphere of a dyslexic individual will not work the way it should causing problems with reading and pronouncing words. There may also be impairment of communication between the right and the left hemispheres in the brain of a dyslexic individual. There have been cases where dyslexia runs in families. However, the role of genes in the development of this condition is yet to be ascertained by researchers [2].
What they point though is that certain environmental factors may cause the genes that cause dyslexia to get activated causing this condition. There is no clear indication that gene defect may change how the brain processes information or if there is some other cause that results in the brain not being able to process information related to reading [2].
Coming to treatments, dyslexia cannot be cured but the symptoms can definitely be managed. There are a variety of treatment options available which can improve the reading and learning skills of the patient. Medications will be given for additional symptoms of ADHD that often accompanies dyslexia. However, there is no medication for dyslexia as of yet [2].
In some cases, people tend to have improvement in their symptoms over a period of time. Some of the treatment options especially for dyslexic individuals include
Environmental Factors: It is vital for family members of the patient to provide a supportive atmosphere. This will help boost confidence and increase self-esteem. They can provide alternative forms of communication or learning will help them in their performance at work or in college. In the United States, there is a law which protects people against discrimination due to dyslexia [2].
Lifestyle Factors: Practicing phonology, reading skills, and improving vocabulary through constant practice can also help an individual with dyslexia to communicate better. In some cases, musical therapy has shown great effectiveness in controlling the symptoms of dyslexia and giving them plenty of confidence to perform better in life [2].
In conclusion, Dyslexia is a medical condition which severely dents the confidence of the affected individual. While children are mostly affected by this disease there are also adults who get it. Adults with dyslexia tend to have low self-esteem and seem to be under constant stress with regard to their performance at work or at college [2].
However, with support from family and friends and a strong support network an individual with dyslexia can lead a successful life without any problems. There are several celebrities that have had dyslexia and still went on to become popular public figures [2].
The best example of this is former president of the United States George W. Bush had dyslexia. By practicing alternative forms of communication and adopting compensatory measures a disability like dyslexia can be overcome and the individual can lead a fulfilling life [2].