The hips are one of the most common areas for the body to store excess fat, especially in women. Opting for a ‘spot treatment’ for the area where different kinds of herbs and lotions and several medications are used to reduce fat may seem tempting but in the long run they can cause great harm to the body and increase the fat in the years to come. Only overall weight loss in the body promotes fat loss from specific body parts.
Knowing the various causes of hip fat will give you a better understanding on how you can reduce it quickly in a natural way. For example, if you feel that it is your wrong eating habits which are leading to fat accumulation in the hips and other regions of the body, you should stop eating junk food and follow a diet which is healthy. This will prove to be of great help when reducing fat from any part of the body.
Analyze the cause of hip fat, work on it and use one of the natural ways to reduce fat around hips and other body parts. You will soon have a toned and fit body making you the talk of the town!
What Causes Hip Fat: Top Causes of Fat Accumulation around Hips
Eating the Wrong Foods – The food you eat has a major impact on your body and can make you put on or lose weight quite easily. By eating the wrong foods you will accumulate a lot of fat around the hips, stomach and thighs area. Foods such as chips, ice cream, candies, cakes, pastries, cookies, red unprocessed meats in burgers or steaks and unprocessed meats found in bacon and salami can contribute to fat in the body rapidly. These food items are extremely high in calories, full of carbohydrates and lead to hip fat and weight gain.
Lack of Physical Activity – When a person remains inactive all day long or sits in one place for most of the time, the fat derived from the food he eats starts getting accumulated as it fails to get turned into energy which the body can use. People who do not exercise, sit in front of the TV all day or prefer lying in bed when doing nothing often complain that it took no time for them to gain weight and accumulate hip fat and fat around stomach and thigh region along with other body parts.
Less Consumption of Water – Another one of the common causes of fat in hip region, reduced consumption of water allows toxins and wastes to remain in the body for long resulting in weight gain and also help in the accumulation of fat. Drinking loads of water every day helps to eliminate toxins and wastes products thereby keeping your body weight low and fat at bay.
Improper Thyroid Functioning – The thyroid hormone regulates the metabolism rate in the human body. When this hormone functions improperly, the body’s metabolism slows down and a person suffers from low energy and excess accumulation of body fat. If your thyroid glands do not function well, it is essential to see your doctor and take appropriate medications at the earliest so as to avoid accumulating hip fat.
Menopause – For women who are about to experience or are already experiencing menopause, weight gain is a natural phenomena. As the body undergoes several hormonal changes, a woman can gain weight and body fat especially in the hip and belly region. During menopause a woman must exercise regularly, eat well and remain active throughout the day to help fight the problem of hip fat.
Medical Ailments – People who suffer from medical ailments such as knee, ankle or back pain are unable to move around much and are confined to one place all day long are most likely to add hip fat. Such people should eat healthy and try to do some hand and leg exercises while sitting in place.
Sedentary Work – A sedentary worker is a person who sits in one place all day long to do his work and does not have much physical movement. People who have desk jobs be it of any kind which requires them to stay at one place often accumulate hip fat as well as accumulate fat in different parts of the body. It is recommended that such people should take up a hobby such as swimming, walking or cycling which keeps them active and allows them to exercise for 50 to 60 minutes every day.
However, when you opt for natural ways to reduce fat around hips, the body in general loses those extra pounds, gets in shape and fat from all parts starts to vanish. Also, the fat lost using natural ways does not come back easily as it is a slow and steady process which promises good results. So here are some absolutely natural ways to get rid of fat near the hips region.
Natural Ways to Reduce Fat around the Hips
Restrict Calorie Intake – Your diet plays a vital role in helping you lose hip and body fat regardless of the area you wish to lose fat from naturally. Reducing calorie intake by at least 500 calories every day is very important as this signals the body that it has to start using stored fat for energy, including fat stored in the hip area. You can easily lose 1 – 2 pounds every week with less calorie intake and when combined with the right exercises, it will work wonders in reducing fat around hip and other areas.
Eat Healthy – Incorporate healthy food items such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and animal protein (egg whites, fish and chicken) in your daily diet as these foods are low in calories and help reduce fat naturally while also keeping you energized and full all day long. Eat small portions of food every 2 to 3 hours and avoid overeating any time of the day. For best and quick results, drink only a bowl of soup or eat a salad for dinner. Stay away from fried food items, foods containing saturated and trans-fat and also processed and refined foods.
Reduce Consumption of Liquid Calories – This is one of the top natural ways to reduce fat in hips. Liquid calories in the form of soda, full fat milk, fruit juices, aerated drinks, alcohol, sweetened coffee and tea and hot chocolate are often the reason why we put on rapid weight and become fat without knowing why. These food items come across as a simple ‘drink’ but cause immense harm to the body and increase fat content in areas such as stomach, hips and legs quite rapidly.
Exercise Regularly – Exercise plays an equally important role in helping a person lose fat around his hip region in a natural way. There are specific exercises which are designed to help lose hip fat and can yield amazing results if practised religiously. For example, squats and lunges are the best exercise ever to reduce fat around hips. It is important to combine aerobic exercises which reduce fat around hips with cardiovascular exercises such as running, jogging, swimming or cycling. One must also focus on strength training as it works wonders in reducing fat in a specific area of the body. Try to exercise for at least 50 – 60 minutes every day, 6 times a week.
Yoga – Yoga is a great form of exercise which helps reduce fat in specific body areas in a natural way. It also increases body strength and flexibility and reduces stress. Asanas such as surya namaskar, utkatasana, veerabhadrasana, setu bandhasana and ananda balasana are extremely helpful in reducing fat around the hip area and helps tone it. It is best to practice yoga under the guidance of a yoga practitioner or you can also join yoga classes in your neighbourhood.
Apple Cider Vinegar – Another natural way to reduce fat around hips is the use of apple cider vinegar. Consuming apple cider vinegar is an effective way to reduce fat stored in specific body areas such as stomach or hips. This vinegar helps to breakdown the existing fat and also prevents any more fat from accumulating in the body. Loaded with magnesium, calcium and potassium amongst other minerals it eliminates toxins from the body and prevents water retention too. All these factors together encourage reduction of overall fat from the body.
Massaging with Coconut Oil – Massaging the hips and thigh region with coconut oil every day can be of great use in reducing fat in this area. Loaded with medium-chain fatty acids, this oil gets absorbed in the membranes of the cell rapidly while also getting converted into energy for quick use. It has also been proven to reduce hunger cravings and increase body metabolism. Use extra-virgin coconut oil for cooking all your food.
Though these are some of the best natural ways to reduce fat around hips, many a times knowing the various causes of hip fat will give you a better understanding on how you can reduce it quickly. For example, if you feel that it is your wrong eating habits which are leading to fat accumulation in the hips and other regions of the body, you should stop eating junk food and follow a diet which is healthy. This will prove to be of great help when reducing fat from any part of the body. Analyze the cause of fat, work on it and use one of the natural ways to reduce fat. You will soon have a toned and fit body making you the talk of the town!