About Adrenaline Rush:
When an individual encounters a stressful situation where he experiences racing of heart, sweaty palms, and things look to be out of control then it is defined as a classic case of a flight or fight response. This is the body’s natural way to fight any perceived threat. This change is brought about by a hormone called adrenaline. It is also known by the name of epinephrine and plays a major role in managing stress. However, too much of adrenaline can be counterproductive and may have adverse effect on the health of the body. This is the reason behind Adrenaline being studied in great depth by researchers.[1]
This hormone is primarily produced in the adrenal glands; however, small part of it is also produced in the neurons forming the central nervous system. Adrenaline is released in the blood within minutes of a stressful situation evolving triggering off a flight or fight response. This is what is termed as an Adrenaline Rush.[1]
It triggers off a series of responses from the body to include dilation of the air passage for more oxygen to be carried to the various muscles of the body to give it strength to escape from the situation. During an Adrenaline Rush, there is also decreased perception of pain which is why an individual with a perceived danger tends to continue running even when injured.[1]
Adrenaline also enhances performance and increases the overall strength of the individual to cope with the stress. Once the stress or the perceived danger subsides it takes about an hour for the body to normalize after a bout of Adrenaline Rush. This article gives a brief overview of the reasons behind experiencing an Adrenaline Rush and what are the triggers of it.[1]
Why Do We Experience Adrenaline Rush and What Triggers It?
As stated, Adrenaline Rush is the natural way the body reacts to perceived stress. When an individual is in immense stress, the adrenal glands release the hormone adrenaline in the blood. This brings about a series of changes in the body like increased mental alertness, decreased pain perception, and increased strength for some time. It is not always that adrenaline is released in the blood during stress.[2]
At times, this hormone is releases without any perceived danger or a stressful situation. Even then this hormone has the same effect on the body. The speed with which the hormone is released and takes effect is what gives Adrenaline Rush its name. Adrenaline Rush also causes certain other changes in the body like increasing the heart rate which makes an individual feel as if the heart is racing.[2]
A sudden boost in energy is also quite common during an adrenaline rush which at times causes shakiness in the extremities. The breathing becomes shallow as a result of relaxed airways for more oxygen to fill in. The pupils also become wide for more light to enter the eyes.[2]
There are also some side effects that can be experienced as a result of adrenaline rush. Since there is a slight change in the supply of oxygen the individual, may feel lightheaded and the palms may feel sweaty. Some of the activities that trigger an adrenaline rush include situations just before an examination or final match of a tournament. At times riding on a rollercoaster or participating in intense activities like bungee jumping all can cause an Adrenaline Rush.[2]
Some people just feel good when they have an adrenaline rush which makes them go for activities which triggers a release of this hormone. There are times when an individual feels an adrenaline rush at night. This usually happens when the individual is too distracted during the morning hours to think much about any stress. Thus at night when trying to sleep the stressful thoughts begin to storm the brain. If the situations are of extreme stress then it might trigger off an adrenaline rush. There are also cases when an individual dreams of stressful situations which triggers off an adrenaline rush.[2]
In conclusion, Adrenaline Rush is the term used to define the body’s reaction to stressful situations. When under stress, the adrenal gland of the body releases a stress hormone called adrenaline. This hormone quickly incites a flight or fight response along with certain other physical changes like decreased pain perception, increased strength, and a boost in mental awareness.[2]
This allows the individual to come up with the stressful situation. It is not always that stress causes an Adrenaline Rush. There are instances when sheer excitement of participating or witnessing an event or sporting activity can trigger off an Adrenaline Rush. Some people tend to enjoy how they feel when having an Adrenaline Rush and thus deliberately participate in activities that trigger it off.[2]