Injured Trapezius Muscle: Causes, Symptoms, Home Remedies

Injured Trapezius Muscle

A sudden pull or strain in the neck can lead to immense pain and discomfort in the neck and upper back. This could be an injured trapezius muscle. It can result in swelling, inflammation and difficulty in movement of the arms, shoulders or neck. This triangular shaped muscle is located in the back on either side of the neck which runs down to the shoulders till the middle back. It is important to know the causes and symptoms of an injured trapezius muscle. The muscle pain can be treated by home remedies in addition to medical treatments. Home remedies for an injured trapezius muscle are popular and very effective.

Injured Trapezius Muscle

Causes of an Injured Trapezius Muscle

Trapezius muscle injury can occur due to various reasons. Some of the common causes of an injured trapezius muscles include

Injured Trapezius Muscle Caused Due to Improper Posture

Poor posture is one of the commonest cause of an injured trapezius muscle. A proper posture during seating, sleeping or even bending and lifting weights is essential to prevent the trapezius muscle from spasm causing any injury to it.

Repetitive Stress

Constant lifting of heavy objects, repetitive positions during exercise or while playing sports, holding a phone between shoulder and ear or carrying of a heavy weight on the shoulders for a long duration cause repetitive stress to the trapezius muscle. This is another commonest cause of an injured trapezius muscle. Such stress can bring about tension in the muscle causing injury, muscle spasm and eventually leading to pain and discomfort.

Long Hours on the Computer

Constant work on the computer can put a lot of strain on the shoulder and neck muscles causing inflammation. The action of the neck from the keyboard to the monitor in an unvarying motion can put a lot of stress on the trapezius muscle leading to injury and discomfort.


An accident or injury such as whiplash can commonly cause an injured trapezius muscle and lead to swelling and inflammation in the region. The soreness of the muscle can further affect the posture and the movement of the neck and shoulders.

Fatigue and Mental Stress Can Cause Injury to Trapezius Muscle

Neck and back muscles tend to get stiff due to excessive mental stress or fatigue. This is majorly seen in women who tend to suffer from trapezius muscle pain more. By making effort to restrain yourself from such causes, you can prevent injury to trapezius muscle.

Symptoms of an Injured Trapezius Muscle

The pain in neck and back muscles can be rather unbearable and difficult. To manage an injured trapezius muscle, early identification of the problem is necessary.
Find some of the symptoms of an injured trapezius muscle and take appropriate measures.

Difficulty in Movement of Neck and Shoulders

This is the commonest symptom of an injured trapezius muscle. Trapezius muscles connect the neck, shoulder and the back and support their movement. Any strain or pull in the muscle makes it difficult to move the neck, shoulders and arms.

Pain and Discomfort

Any soreness or inflammation in the muscle causes severe pain and discomfort. Worsening of pain with neck movement is an important symptom of an injured trapezius muscle.

Decreased Strength in Arms and Shoulders

A typical symptom of an injured trapezius muscle, is the reduced strength in the arms or shoulders. There is a feeling of weakness, affecting the ability to lift or carry things.

Stiffness and Inflammation

Symptoms of injured trapezius muscle include stiffness in the neck and inflammation of the neck and back muscles. The soreness brings about a lot of discomfort.

Blood Clots or Bruises

Due to injury, the blood vessels in and around the trapezius muscle may get damaged causing blood clots and bruises. Visible bruising, particularly after a blow or a fall, may be an important symptom of an injured trapezius muscle.

Home Remedies for Injured Trapezius Muscle

It is popular and very effective to use home remedies for injured trapezius muscle. Some of the commonly used home remedies for an injured trapezius muscle include

Release Tension with Ice Packs

Ice packs are one of the best home remedies for injured trapezius muscle. Ice packs are known to release the tension in muscles and relax them. Application of ice pack helps improve the blood in and around the injured muscles helping them to relax. This reduces pain and discomfort, while relieving inflammation. Many doctors too suggest fomentation for sprains and spasms in different muscles of the body, particularly in acute injuries. Ice packs can be applied several times during the day as per the need. The application of ice packs is an easy and sure shot way to treat injured trapezius muscles.

Elastic Bands for Injured Muscle

Elastic bands are used to restrict the movement in the neck and shoulders. This gives the injured muscle enough time to relax itself thus reducing the discomfort. As the movement of the neck is restricted, no extra strain is put on the trapezius muscle. This is done to avoid even the slightest jerk that would worsen the trapezius injury and pain. It is one of the most effective home remedies for injured trapezius muscle.

Massage with Oils

A good massage with herbal or healing oils can help relieve pain in trapezius muscle injury. For massages, hands or an electric massager can be used. Massage releases the stiffness of the trapezius muscle. A measured and steady pressure on the affected area helps the release the tension in and around the muscle. In addition to steady pressure a circular motion helps with the blood flow. Massage has long been one of the ancient home remedies for injured trapezius muscle.


Understanding the symptoms of an injured trapezius muscles at the right time can suggest the type of remedy that can help to treat it. If the injury is severe, immediate medical attention may be required. For other minor injuries and muscle spasms, home remedies are quite effective. It is necessary to take ample rest in addition to massages, ice packs and elastic bandages. A special precaution should be taken so that no excess stress affects the muscle. If proper care is not taken medical treatment in the form of medication or physical therapy may have to be undertaken.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 8, 2017

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