5 Personal Hygiene Tips for Wintertime

Personal hygiene can fall to the wayside during the cold winter months, contributing to head colds and viral infections common during this season. The cold weather can make you want to bundle up and forget your routine until spring. Don’t let the weather stop you from your hygiene practices. Utilize these tips to optimize your health this winter and stay at the top of your game for the holidays.

1. Air Out Your Rooms

It can be challenging to want to open the windows when it’s cold outside. The inside of your home is cozy and warm and you want to keep it that way. However, some fresh air can help keep you healthy and promote better circulation in your home. Not to mention, the sun’s rays can naturally disinfect your home.

Consider opening some windows during the warmest part of the day and letting the sunshine in for a few moments. Rooms that don’t get enough air circulation can house microbes that can cause sickness. Let some light in and eliminate the unhealthy air in your home with ventilation that can reduce indoor air pollutants that contribute to allergies and congestion.

2. Wash Your Hands

There are germs everywhere. Please wash your hands to reduce the chances of spreading them by touching your face. Whether you touch your nose, mouth or eyes–you are spreading germs from surfaces you touch to your face, which can spread illness.

You can also spread bacteria that thrive on your hands onto your food. Use warm water and scrub your hands for 20 seconds to remove germs and limit the spread of bacteria to remain healthy throughout the wintertime. Winter is the prime time for colds and cases of flu that can spread like wildfire. Washing your hands regularly can reduce the chances of you getting sick.

3. Disinfect Surfaces Regularly

It’s challenging to keep disinfecting once cold and flu season arrives. In addition to washing your hands frequently, you should also use sanitation practices throughout the day. It would be best to disinfect surfaces that get touched often. Light switches, countertops and doorknobs are often missed during cleaning routines. You should also clean your heater as often as possible. Once your heater switches off, it attracts dust particles.

That dust is circulated through your air once the heater kicks back on. Reduce the dust and allergens in your home by regularly disinfecting your heater, no matter what kind you use. Keeping your heater clean can also ensure that it works well when you need it and adds to its shelf life. Use a cleaner or disinfectant wipe to quickly and easily remove germs and bacteria from surfaces to keep them clean and reduce the risks of sickness.

4. Maintain Shower Schedule

Winter air is dry and cold and can make your skin more prone to infection. Bathe in warm water regularly–try to avoid hot water. Hot water can dilate the capillaries under your skin and open your pores, making you more susceptible to infection. This can cause your body to overcompensate by trying to acclimate to the cold air immediately after your bath.

Use moisturizers to lock in moisture and keep your skin from becoming too dry. You haven’t stopped sweating since it isn’t hot outside. Your body secretes more when your skin is dry during the winter months. Bathing frequently can also help rid your body of bacteria and dead skin cells that can make you prone to infection.

5. Clean Your Bedding

Ensure that you are sterilizing the cozy elements in your home that you use every day. You should wash and sterilize your quilts and comforters to eliminate dust particles and bacteria that can thrive on frequently touched surfaces. Dust and dander can contribute to allergies and asthma. You should disinfect your bedding and your mattress to ensure that you remain as healthy as possible during cold and flu season.

Your bodily fluids like sweat and saliva can accumulate on your bedding and mattress and attract fungus and bacteria. Body oils and dead skin cells may not scare you, but dust mites can irritate your skin and worsen allergies. Wash your sheets and other bedding once a week throughout the winter to ensure optimal protection against bacteria. You can sanitize your mattress with a disinfectant spray or let it set in the sun for a few hours.

Personal Hygiene Tips

Skin allergies and respiratory issues are common during the winter months. Ensure that stay as healthy as possible by utilizing these hygiene tips. Optimal hygiene can keep you strong in the winter to tackle the holiday season. With these health tips, you’ll be in great shape for fun in the sun once warmer weather arrives.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 22, 2023

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