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Understanding Early-Onset Alzheimer’s in the ’30s : Diagnosis, Causes, and Treatment

Alzheimer’s disease, a common form of dementia that affects our memory, thinking, and also behavior, most commonly affects older adults. However, it can also impact younger individuals like people in their 30s. Early-onset Alzheimer’s in the ‘30s is also referred to as early-onset or younger-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Though it affects a small number of people, it should be taken seriously, and prompt diagnosis, along with appropriate management or treatment plans should be followed to lead to a better quality of life.

An Overview of the Topic

Alzheimer’s in the ‘30s or early-onset Alzheimer’s disease usually progresses to the level where it affects daily activities and hinders the quality of life. Although Alzheimer’s disease is an affliction of older adults, research suggests that even people below 65 years can also be affected.

A study estimates that 47 million Americans above 30 years show signs of an early “preclinical” form of Alzheimer’s disease.1 While Alzheimer’s in the ‘30s is still a rare diagnosis, its effects can be devastating for the affected individuals and their families.

Recognizing signs as soon as they appear in young patients and seeking prompt medical treatments could help in dealing with the condition effectively. Unfortunately, mood changes or changes in behavior and other early signs of Alzheimer’s, are usually misdiagnosed as anxiety, depression, or other forms of mental illnesses. Misdiagnosis leaves Alzheimer’s undetected and leads to ineffective treatment. However, a proper diagnosis by your healthcare provider and prompt treatment of the condition can help you effectively deal with the condition in a much better way.

Early-Onset Alzheimer’s in the ‘30s : What Could Be the Reason?

The exact triggers of the start of Alzheimer’s disease in the ‘30s are not fully understood. However, experts suspect that two proteins damage and kill nerve cells. Beta-amyloid and tau are the two proteins in the brain cells that get damaged. Fragments of “beta-amyloid”, build up and are known as plaques, while twisted fibers of the other protein “tau”, are called tangles. Though everyone develops plaques and tangles with aging, those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease develop many more, and over time, affecting more areas of the brain over time.

It is believed that early-onset Alzheimer’s in the ‘30s develops due to multiple factors. Certain rare genes have been discovered by researchers and these genes might cause directly or contribute to the occurrence of the disease. These genes are:

  1. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) on chromosome 21
  2. Presenilin-1 or PS1 on chromosome 14
  3. Presenilin-2 (PS2) on chromosome 1

These genes could be passed from one generation to the next within a family and carrying these genes could contribute to the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease or early onset Alzheimer’s in the ‘30s. Mutations in these rare genes account for just 5% to 10% of all Alzheimer’s cases, however, a majority of cases are the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease.(2)

Types of Alzheimer’s in the ‘30s : Unraveling the Mysteries of Early Diagnosis

Most types of Alzheimer’s disease that occur in the ‘30s or ‘40s are the same. However, there are a few small distinctions. Here are some of them.

Atypical Alzheimer’s Disease

“Atypical”, also known as the unusual form of Alzheimer’s disease mostly affects younger people. These are again of different forms. The symptoms of this type of Alzheimer’s disease depend on the specific form that a person has.

  • In Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), usually, the first symptoms that appear are problems with understanding visual information, such as finding difficulty in reading or judging distances.
  • In the case of dysexecutive or behavioral Alzheimer’s disease, generally, the initial symptoms that appear are difficulties with decision-making and planning and also behaving inappropriately.
  • In Logopenic aphasia, the early symptoms that appear include difficulties with language, such as struggling to find the right word, or taking long pauses while speaking.

Familial Alzheimer’s Disease

This is an extremely rare form of Alzheimer’s caused by genetic mutations that run in families. The three genes that have been found to have these mutations are Amyloid precursor protein, presenilin 1, and presenilin 2. These mutations in the genes could be passed from parents to their children, and people with this form of Alzheimer’s, usually have a strong family history of the disease. The symptoms of familial Alzheimer’s disease generally begin in ‘30s, ‘40s, or ‘50s. However, this form of Alzheimer’s is extremely rare and might account for fewer than one in a hundred people with Alzheimer’s disease.(3)

Early-onset Alzheimer’s in the ‘30s : How to Diagnose?

When someone experiences signs of mental decline, mood changes, and changes in behavior, they should visit their healthcare provider for an early diagnosis of the condition. Your healthcare provider can diagnose your Alzheimer’s in the 30s with the help of a few tests.

At first, your doctor will ask your medical history and conduct some cognitive tests of problem-solving, memory, and other mental skills. Based on the results of this cognitive testing, your doctor would also request more detailed testing done with a neuropsychologist.

Your doctor will also test your urine, blood, and spinal fluid. Apart from this, you will also require specific imaging tests like MRI and CT scans of the brain. These imaging tests would help your doctor look at brain tissues and access the extent of damage in your brain caused by the disease.

Researchers hope that in the future, studies on biomarkers (proteins in the body that indicates the disease progress) will enable experts to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease more quickly and effectively.

Treating Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s

While there’s currently no cure for early-onset Alzheimer’s diagnosed in the ’30s, there are measures to manage its progression and improve quality of life. While genetic predispositions cannot be altered, building resilience against the disease through lifestyle modifications has shown promise.

One study indicated that individuals genetically predisposed to early-onset Alzheimer’s who engaged in physical activity for over 150 minutes a week exhibited improved memory test scores in contrast to their less active counterparts.(4)

Dietary choices can also influence Alzheimer’s risk. Research from Italy suggests that individuals consuming higher quantities of dry fruits, vegetables, and chocolate had a relatively decreased risk of developing the disease.(5)

Pharmacological interventions remain pivotal in managing the disease. Physicians may prescribe medications like Donepezil, Galantamine, Memantine, and Rivastigmine to help maintain cognitive function, regulate behavior, and decelerate disease progression. 


Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease can be challenging to cope with. However, with appropriate support from family and friends, early diagnosis, and the right treatment plans, it is possible to slow down the progress and help the affected person lead a better quality of life. It is also advisable to remain physically active, consume brain-friendly foods, and limit alcohol consumption while managing the condition.

In conclusion, while suffering from early-onset Alzheimer’s in the ‘30s is rare, remember that you are not alone. Rely on your loved ones, seek out a support group, believe in your healthcare provider and the prescribed treatment plan, and most importantly, have a positive outlook.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 23, 2023

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