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What Is The Prognosis For Pediatric Brain Tumors & Recommended Lifestyle Changes?

The 5-year survival for brain and spinal cord tumors is 72% meaning that 72 out of 100 children live 5 years after diagnosis.1,2

Some forms of brain tumors are life-threatening that affect the optic pathway, but nutrition & fitness help support your immune system and aid disease-fighting cells.3

There are powerful foods with numerous vitamins that help as disease-fighting antioxidants and help boost your immune system.4

What Is The Prognosis For Pediatric Brain Tumors?

Depending on a tumor’s starting point, it can also be graded as either primary or secondary. The most common types of tumors arise on the base, surface, and brain stem. Several procedures play a vital role in the diagnosis of the condition. Also, tumors are diagnosed in different ways such as through examination, imaging, biopsy, and lumbar puncture.

Similarly, the treatment varies depending on the type, location, and child’s age. The treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies. The survival statistics for childhood brain and spinal cord tumors are very common and they are inferred carefully.

A study was conducted on a group of children who had a certain type of cancer and were expected to live a certain period since the time of diagnosis. Research scientists discover new technologies by finding that numerous destructive pediatric brain cancers are the result of delayed development. They also use the observed survival rate during a prognosis.

The prognosis was done on children aged between 0 and 24 with brain and spinal cord tumors. The prognosis showed that 72% of these children survived 5 years after their diagnosis. However, 28% of children did not survive the five years, studies predicted that these patients died of cancer rather from other causes.1,2

Recommended Lifestyle Changes For Pediatric Brain Tumors

Staying healthy at home is a top priority for everyone especially in patients with a brain tumor since cancer treatments can weaken the immune system. Lifestyle changes are nothing but modifying our daily diet and routine. Experts believe that one-third to one-half of all cancers can be prevented through healthy lifestyle changes because they can manage arterial plaque and clogged artery treatment.

Lifestyle changes not only help lose pounds and watch your waistline instead boost your immune system and decrease the risk of symptoms of brain and spinal cord tumors. However, dietary changes should be discussed with your healthcare provider prior, to ensure that it is the right option for you.3

Certain foods are regarded as power foods that can boost the immune system. This includes:

  • Broccoli that is packed with vitamins is the healthiest vegetable most recommended.
  • Probiotics such as yogurt help stimulate your gut and regulate the immune system.
  • Dark, leafy greens are great sources of inflammation-reducing agents and aid in fighting malignant cells.

Pediatric brain tumors are abnormal lumps that appear in the brain in young children. The way brain and spinal cord tumors are analyzed and treated typically varies between individuals.

They have diverse symptoms and develop based on which the neuroanatomic pathway is interrupted by the malignant cells. It’s important to note specific symptoms because the undiagnosed condition can lead to unfortunate deaths. However, in some cases, brain and spinal cord tumors produce no symptoms and are discovered during a scan of other related problems.


  1. “Survival Statistics for Childhood Brain and Spinal Cord Tumours – Cana.” cancer.ca, www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancer-type/brain-spinal-childhood/prognosis-and-survival/survival-statistics/?region=on#:~:text=The%205%2Dyear%20observed%20survival,consider%20the%20cause%20of%20death.
  2. Karajannis, Matthias, et al. “Treatment of Pediatric Brain Tumors.” Journal of Cellular Physiology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Dec. 2008, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2574972/
  3. “Brain Tumors in Children.” Johns Hopkins Medicine, www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/brain-tumor/pediatric-brain-tumors
  4. Fischer, Cheryl, et al. “Improving Care in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Patients: An Overview of the Unique Needs of Children with Brain Tumors.” Journal of Child Neurology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2016, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5032907/

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 12, 2021

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