What Causes Baby Heat Rash & What Is Its Treatment, Prevention?

About Baby Heat Rash:

In the early days of parenthood, parents panic when they observe red rashes and tiny blisters on the skin of their infant child! Heat Rashes are common in children as well as adults in hot and humid countries. The rashes cause discomfort for the irritation and prickly sensation.

Heat Rash is commonly called prickly heat and also known as Miliaria Rubra in medical terms. The rashes occur on the skin of the babies due to overheating of the body. The small bumps on the baby’s skin get surrounded by red patches. This common skin condition in babies is treatable, and can easily get rid of. The parents need to detect the heat rashes in babies at the right time. The parents also must learn about the symptoms and treatment as well as tricks of preventing baby heat rash!

The baby heat rashes appear on body parts that get covered with clothing. You can easily detect the small red blisters on the stomach, neck, chest, buttocks and the crotch area of the baby. The baby heat rashes will also occur on the forehead and scalp of a baby, if the baby wears a hat/cap. It is essential to take appropriate measures and help your baby to get relieved from the itching sensation associated with the heat rash.

What Causes Heat Rashes in Babies?

What Causes Heat Rashes in Babies?

Excessive sweating causes baby heat rash! If your baby sweats excessively, you will find the skin rashes. The skin pores of the baby get clogged due to excessive sweating restricting the sweat from flowing out. The trapped sweat beneath the baby’s skin causes rashes and inflammation. The babies develop heat rashes more easily as the sweat pores are underdeveloped in the babies and get easily blocked.

The climatic condition also plays a vital role in triggering baby heat rash. The babies develop the heat rashes in a hot and humid climate. Apart from the climatic conditions, several other external factors result in developing rashes on the baby’s skin. Your baby will develop the heat rashes if you dress your baby too warmly. Wearing thick or synthetic fabrics prevent the sweat from evaporating from the baby’s body.

You will find red baby heat rashes on your baby’s skin even in the winter season! If you apply heavy creams and lotions on your baby’s skin, red rashes will develop on the skin. Wearing too many layers of clothing is another reason for stimulating baby heat rashes. If your baby is running a fever, then also you will find the blisters of the baby heat rash.

Developing baby heat rashes is a sign that the baby’s body is too warm. Overheating may lead to serious conditions including heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Excessive body warming of the baby can also raise the risks of SIDS. Baby heat rashes are irritating and itchy, but not painful. Right treatment and following the prevention techniques will treat the condition, and your baby will get rid of the condition easily!

What is the Best Treatment for Baby Heat Rashes?

Baby heat rashes are easy to treat! Implementing the best ways of treating, you can treat the baby heat rash easily and the condition will improve within 2-3 days. To treat baby heat rash, follow the below steps:

  • Keep your baby hydrated in warm days.
  • Ensure to keep your baby dry and cool.
  • Always make your baby wear loose clothes, which will not trap heat and moisture within the clothes.
  • Use medically approved baby products on infants/babies to soothe the delicate skin.
  • Never allow your kid to rub and scratch the affected area of baby heat rash.
  • Use mild cleansers instead of soaps on the delicate skin of the baby to keep the skin healthy and prevent aggravating baby heat rash.
  • Avoid applying ointments or creams without doctor’s prescription for treating the baby heat rashes.
  • Don’t allow your baby to spend extensive time in strollers, carriers and car seats, as it will worsen the baby heat rashes.
  • Applying ice cubes, a solution of baking soda and water, sandalwood powder, Multani Mitti, Aloe Vera, Neem, or Cucumber on the red baby heat rashes will help to get relief from the irritation and itchiness.
  • Consult a doctor if the baby heat rash worsens or you are unable to treat the condition.

How to Prevent Heat Rashes on Baby’s Skin?

It is important to avoid hot and humid conditions to prevent the blisters and rashes on the baby due to heat. Your baby must remain in a cool or air-conditioned place. Keep your baby dry and cool. Don’t allow your baby to spend too much time under the sun. Direct sunlight for too much time will also cause sunburn in addition to baby heat rashes. Heat rashes is dangerous for babies with sensitive skin.

Applying moisturizer on the baby’s skin is a good habit. But, using excessive moisturizer will block the pores irritating the skin of the baby. The baby heat rash worsens if the heat gets added under such circumstances. Avoid using moisturizer most frequently. Ensure your baby is dry before putting on a diaper.

The babies get overheated and cold easily. Don’t simply put on layers of clothing without necessity! You can put on clothing in layers but make sure to remove or add the clothing layers depending on the climatic condition. Avoid using mineral oil-based products like petroleum jelly or baby oil. Such products clog the pores of the baby’s skin leading to baby heat rashes.

Don’t use soap to bath your baby unless it is necessary! It is perfect to bath your baby with normal water. Use fragrance-free laundry detergent, personal care products, cosmetics, and household cleaners for your baby’s clothing to prevent baby heat rash. Use breathable and organic fabrics to keep your baby dry and cool throughout the day and to prevent baby heat rash.


Heat rashes are a common condition in babies, and you don’t need to panic. Following the treatment and prevention measures of baby heat rashes, you can easily get rid of the condition. Monitor heat rashes in your baby constantly after following the treatment and prevention measures. If you don’t find any improvement in the heat rash of your baby, visit the doctor and follow the instructions properly before the condition worsens! Give initial attention to reduce the skin itchiness. With proper attention, the red baby heat rashes will disappear from the skin within a few days.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 19, 2021

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