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Benefits of Himalayan Pink Sea Salt & Its Lamps

Himalayan salt is rock salt (halite) mined from the Punjab region of modern Pakistan. The salt often has a pinkish tint due to mineral impurities. It is primarily used as a food additive as table salt, but is also used as a material for cooking and food presentation, decorative lamps, and spa treatments. The salt is marketed with claims that it benefits health, but no clinical evidence exists for such claims.[1] Pink Himalayan salt is chemically similar to table salt. It contains up to 98 percent sodium chloride. The rest of the salt consists of trace minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These give the salt its light pink tint. These minerals also explain why Himalayan salt tastes different from regular table salt. [2]

Benefits of Himalayan Pink Sea Salt & Its Lamps

Benefits of Himalayan Pink Sea Salt:

There are several benefits that are claimed by people which is provided by sea salt to the human body. Some of them are listed below:

  1. Rich Mineral Content: Some sources say that pink Himalayan salt contains up to 84 different trace minerals. As it contains up to 98 percent sodium chloride, this means that only around 2 percent is made up of these various trace minerals. Given the relatively limited quantities in which people normally consume salt, and the tiny quantity of these minerals in the salt, they are unlikely to provide any measurable or significant health benefits.
  2. Lower Sodium: Some people believe that pink Himalayan salt is lower in sodium than regular table salt. However, both types consist of approximately 98 percent sodium chloride. As pink salt often has larger crystals than table salt, it technically contains less sodium per teaspoon. It also has a saltier flavour than table salt, meaning that a person can use less salt in a serving to achieve the same taste. However, pink salt is also available in a smaller granule size that more closely resembles regular salt. Consider this when seasoning food and measuring sodium intake. The American Heart Association (AHA) advises that over 75 percent of sodium intake comes from the salt already present in processed and prepared foods. Table salt does not add the bulk of sodium content to a meal.
  3. A More Natural Salt: Some claim that Himalayan salt is more natural than table salt. This claim appears to have merit. Table salt is usually heavily refined and mixed with anti-caking agents to prevent clumping, such as sodium aluminosilicate or magnesium carbonate, Himalayan salt is less artificial and does not usually contain additives.
  4. An Aid To Hydration: Some believe that adding a pinch of pink salt to meals or drinks can help the body achieve optimal fluid balance and prevent dehydration. It is true that sodium is necessary to maintain proper fluid balance. However, this is true of sodium from other sources as well as pink Himalayan salt.

It’s time to take your love for Himalayan salt a step further. Large crystals of Himalayan salt are now being turned into lamps, which can be purchased from most health food stores. They not only look good but can also make you feel good, literally![3] You are exposed to countless anxiety-inducing positive ions every day due to increased exposure to modern technology in the form of cell phones, television and laptops. Studies prove that Himalayan salt lamps emit negative ions that can increase the flow of oxygen to your brain, making you calm, energetic and alert. These negative ions are the reason you feel calm and fresh around waterfalls, seashores, and mountaintops, as they cleanse the air and balance the positive ions around you. This phenomenon is also known to promote the growth of certain plants.[3]

There are a lot of holistic remedies making the rounds right now, but the Himalayan salt rock lamp has to be the prettiest of them all. Proponents claim these lamps can purify your air, reduce stress and anxiety, and help combat “electro-smog” caused by electronic devices.[4]

Science and Theory Behind Himalayan Sea Salt Lamps Helping In Combating Depression:

Yeah, the science behind Himalayan pink salt lamps isn’t very strong. There are two claims that most of the benefits surrounding salt lamps rely on, and neither of them is supported by very much research. First, salt lamps are supposedly hygroscopic, meaning they absorb moisture from the air. While salt does possess hygroscopic properties, there’s not enough evidence to support that salt lamps produce a significant effect on the surrounding air. A study claims that the hygroscopic properties of salt lamps might be beneficial, but it’s based largely on the second major claim around salt lamps—that they produce negative ions. It’s these negative ions that some say help produce a general feeling of well-being. However, further studies on the effect of negative ions on mood contradict these claims. The theory goes like this: Negative ions are produced by the interaction between salt and water, which—as they are heated in the lamps—produce a surplus of negative ions in the surrounding air, as well as positive, mood-boosting benefits.

Benefits of Himalayan Sea Salt Lamps

  1. They Calm You Down: The primary benefit of Himalayan salt lamps is that they counter the positive ions that can cause anxiety and depression. As the negative ions they release are limited to a certain radius, placing one salt lamp each in your bedroom, living room and office can give you the best of results. You can decide on the size
  2. They Improve Thought Process: When the positive ions around you get neutralised by Himalayan salt lamps, your brain functions more efficiently. This is due to the heightened flow of oxygen to your brain, which can speed up your thought process and keep you on top of your game. Place a salt lamp in your office and experience how it can surprisingly improve your performance at work. You can even try placing one in your child’s study.
  3. They Prevent Diseases: Daily or prolonged exposure to electronic devices is known to cause a host of health disorders including high blood pressure, heart diseases and cancer. Himalayan salt lamps can counter the deadly emissions from these devices and keep many diseases at bay.
  4. They Cheer You Up: Himalayan salt lamps have the ability to heighten your spirits and make you feel positive when in close proximity with them. They cancel out all the negative energy around you and keep you feeling fresh and brimming with positivity.
  5. They Help You Sleep Better: Himalayan salt lamps make the best night lights in the world. Not to mention how they set the perfect mood for your bedroom. The soothing light emitted by salt lamps can help you fall asleep faster and make you feel fresh and focused in the morning.[3]

While there isn’t much research behind the use and benefits of Himalayan salt lamps, that doesn’t mean you can’t use them. The lamps give off a cozy, diffuse light, they’re not expensive, and they look lovely in basically any space. Besides, if having a salt lamp in your place helps you relax and unwind, that’s reason enough to get your glow on. Stress has significant repercussions on our health, and creating a peaceful environment can help you relax and stay mindful. Mindfulness really is as good as everyone says it is, and anything that helps you find your Zen easier is a win. Plus, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with soaking up the warm glow of a salt lamp and enjoying the placebo effect. Much like the power (or lack thereof) of healing crystals, the placebo effect is totally real and not necessarily a bad thing. So even if you know that salt lamps might not actually be doing anything for your health, you could still feel better using one thanks to the power of the human brain. Multiple studies have concluded that the placebo effect still works even if you know about it, which means that if salt lamps work for you, why not use them?


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 21, 2019

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