Kidneys refer to two different bean shaped organs located at the below portion of human rib cage at each side of the spinal cord. Each day, two kidneys of humans filter approximately 120 to 150 quarts of the impure blood for producing between 1 and 2 quarts of urine consisting of additional fluid and waste products. Urine flows from kidneys towards the bladder via ureters i.e. two thin muscular tubes present on either sides of the bladder, while bladder is responsible for storing the urine.
How Can I Make My Kidneys Healthy?
Indeed, kidneys are one of the important organs of human beings because of their ability to filter impure blood and waste products in the form of urine. Thus, it is the prime responsibility of every person to take necessary steps to retain their kidneys in good condition for lifetime.
Drinking Water in Enough Amounts
Drinking water in adequate amounts is obviously the first and the most important step to keep kidneys healthy and strong. At least, you should intake 8 glasses of water in a day. Particularly, you should drink water in higher amounts after doing any strenuous exercise or in case you stay in dry climate.
Daily Probiotics is Essential
Consumption of probiotics on daily basis is very much essential to retain the function of one’s kidneys in processing of waste materials and contribution towards complete digestive health. Recent clinical trial on individuals suffering from the problem of chronic kidney disease observed that the group consuming probiotics regularly has found drastic improvement in the test scores associated with the functions of kidneys and quality of life as a whole.
Reduce the Intake of Phosphorous in Your Diet
When kidneys fail to work properly, accumulation of phosphorous takes place in the body of humans and cause serious conditions, which include heart and bone disorders, along with hardening or calcification of the tissues. Phosphorous remains present in most of the food items, but carbonated soft drinks, processed and prepared foods especially come with high amount of phosphorous. A normal person requires only 800mg to 1200m of the total phosphorous daily. Thus, healthy kidneys flush out higher amounts of phosphorous from the body.
Drinking Green Juices is Essential
Green juices play a significant role in detoxification. Hence, you should make a habit of drinking green juices consisting of cilantro, water, kidney-friendly herb, honey and lemon juice. In case, you do not want to have juice, you may try out for another good alternative in the form of a green supplement to improve the health of your kidneys.
Consume Kidney Supportive Foods
Other than cilantro and its related parsley, you should eat various kidney supportive food items, such as cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, cabbage, apple, peppers, cauliflower, garlic, olive oil and onions and so on.
Physical Exercise
Physical exercise on a regular basis helps you to avoid or overcome obesity problems and thereby, help a lot to avoid potential kidney problems in future.
Avoid Overdose of Pain Relievers
Individuals should make sure to avoid overdose of pain relievers, whether they are of anti-inflammatory drugs or over-the-counter medicines, especially NSAIDs i.e. Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, aspirin and acetaminophen. These products are very hard for the kidneys. Moreover, in some of the cases, pain relievers boost the risk related to the development of kidney cancer.
Control Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure
Diabetes (increase in blood sugar) and high blood pressure are the two major threats to the proper function of your kidney. Hence, it is very much essential for you control your blood pressure and blood sugar to maintain the normal function of kidneys.
Stop Alcohol Intake and Smoking Cigarettes
Last, but not the least, you should make sure to stop or at least reduce the intake of alcohol and smoking cigarettes.