What Not To Eat When You Have Liver Metastases?
There Are A Wide Variety Of Foods That Are Not Advisable In Patients With This Disease, We Can Mention:
Fats of Animal Origin: The patient with a liver pathology has difficulty digesting fats. Therefore, the nutrition of the person with cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver failure and cancer should avoid at all costs high-fat foods such as meat, butter, milk, cream, margarine, chocolate or high-fat dairy products. It is important that the used oil is not reheated, since this type of fat generates a type of toxin called acrolein, in addition to toxic substances such as hydroperoxides, peroxides and free radicals. These components damage our cells causing cellular aging, cell membrane breakdown, mutations or cancer cells.
Using the same oil several times, or reusing it in many occasions, increases the number of free radicals. Also this causes the loss of vitamin E and polyphenols, which are preserved while the oil is unrefined and raw.
Foods Rich in Salt: The patient with liver disease have problems with fluid retention (ascites), therefore sodium-rich foods that worsen this condition should be avoided. Among them is ham, bacon, sausages, smoked products, pickles, capers and lupins.
Processed Industrial Products: This type of food contains many preservatives, additives, sugar, bad fats, which must be eliminated by the liver, so that in its state it can get worse.
Pre-cooked and Packaged Foods: They usually contain a lot of salt, sugar and fat, so they are not beneficial either. Cakes, cookies, cakes, whole milk or its derivatives, chocolate, croissants, candies, among others are foods that should be avoided.
Sugary Foods: Eating many foods rich in refined sugars leads to increased body fat, which is synthesized by the liver. They produce very high levels of insulin that are not good for patients with obesity, menopause, diabetes and hypertension.
Similarly, the use of artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose or saccharin should not be consumed by patients with liver disease.
Roasted Food: Very roasted or grilled foods generate a series of toxins that the liver must eliminate. A diseased liver is unable to eliminate them and worsens with the presence of these substances.
Raw or Semi-raw Animal Foods: For example, raw or undercooked fish or shellfish may contain microorganisms that can be harmful to the liver.
Other Causes of Liver Diseases:
In Addition To Choosing The Right Foods, There Are A Number Of Tips To Keep In Mind:
Very Abundant Meals: it is preferable to eat several times in small quantity than to eat many foods in fewer meals. The abundant meals force the liver to make a much greater effort, so the patient with hepatic pathology should eat light meals 4 or 5 times a day.
To Chew the Food Very Well: chewing facilitates the work to the organs in charge of the digestion; it disintegrates the food so that the digestive enzymes act better, besides predigesting the carbohydrates and preparing the body for the digestion (increase of salivary secretion, etc.).
Reused Food: cooking more food than normal and then reusing it in another meal can be the cause of contamination of it with microorganisms that can cause infections. It is better to cook the necessary quantities without leftovers. Reheating food is a bad habit that does not do well to the liver.
Poorly Preserved Meals: these become the perfect target for bacteria such as Salmonella, among others.
Unwashed fruits and vegetables: These can contain carcinogenic or pernicious pesticides.
Dried or Poorly Preserved Foods: They can generate aflatoxins, which are highly harmful to the liver.
Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver. Other toxins are tobacco, coffee and drugs.
Since the liver is the organ responsible for the metabolism of foods and the purification of toxins, an inadequate diet is potentially harmful to this organ and to the health of the individual in general. So it is convenient to make a huge change in your habits if you consume the mentioned harmful foods.
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- Liver Metastases: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Stages, Survival Rate, Prognosis
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