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What To Eat When You Have Metatarsalgia?

Metatarsalgia refers to a condition in which there is an extreme pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot, mainly due to overuse injury.[1] In this condition, one should avoid foods which cause inflammation and try to eat anti-inflammatory diet. If you are a non-vegetarian try to follow a vegan diet. Vegan diet has known to be quite helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation of Metatarsalgia. Food with high amount of gluten can worsen the condition; therefore, it is advised to have a gluten-free diet as much as possible for the patients of Metatarsalgia.[2]

What To Eat When You Have Metatarsalgia?

What To Eat When You Have Metatarsalgia?

It should be noted that eating a particular kind of food might not treat metatarsalgia completely, but some foods play a major role in providing relief in the symptoms of this foot problem. Mostly gluten free and anti-inflammatory food is recommended for the patients suffering from Metatarsalgia.[3] Some of the foods which have anti-inflammatory nature are listed below:

The foods which possess considerable amount of anti-inflammatory properties for Metatarsalgia include: Dark chocolate, cruciferous vegetables, tea, coffee, sesame seeds, ginger, cloves, rosemary, garlic, onions, tomatoes, Shiitake mushrooms, etc.

These foods contain a large amount of antioxidants, flavonoids and other important and essential nutrients which show anti inflammatory properties by various mechanisms. Like for instance the flavonoids present in dark chocolate are known to produce an anti-inflammatory effect by altering the production of cytokine which is an inflammatory compound. Studies have also proven that consuming cocoa rich foods can have beneficial effects on blood pressure, insulin metabolism, vascular degeneration and oxidative stress. The nutrients present in sesame seeds are known to reduce the speed of cartilage degeneration and reduce oxidative stress and also promote inflammatory biomarkers. Turmeric acts as a very good anti-inflammatory spice along with the spices like nutmeg, cumin, cinnamon, paprika, pepper, cayenne and spices mentioned above.

When it comes to tea and coffee for metatarsalgia, earlier it was thought to be very bad for health but now the perceptions have been changed about them and they are known to show countless health benefits along with having anti-inflammatory properties. Like for instance the Matcha is a nutrient rich green tea, which has seventeen times more antioxidants then blue berries and seven times more than dark chocolate.[4] Therefore, having tea and coffee in moderate amounts will produce anti-inflammatory effects.

Anatomy of Metatarsalgia

Metatarsalgia can occur in your foot if there is over activity, like too much running and jumping. The ball of the foot becomes inflamed and painful. Prolonged Metatarsalgia can lead to feet deformities. The doctor will diagnose it by examining your feet while you sit, while you stand and while you walk. The doctor will also ask about your lifestyle and activities to come to a conclusion about the same. An X-ray might also be required to identify the exact problem, like a fracture or any other foot problem.[5]

The common symptom of Metatarsalgia is a sharp and burning pain at the ball of your foot (the part of the foot just behind the toes). [6]This pain gets worse when the person stand, walks or runs barefooted on a hard surface. There can be tingling effect and numbness in your toes and also a feeling of having pebble inside the shoes.

Tips For Symptomatic Relief In Metatarsalgia

We can say that Metatarsalgia is not a very serious problem, but it can make you useless for the time being. Some simple home treatments like rest, ice packs and wearing proper shoes while walking can provide some relief. Your feet will require support and shock absorbing shoes or Metatarsalgia pads to provide relief in symptoms and also to prevent further problems.


It is not that eating a particular kind of food will treat this problem, but diet plays a major role in providing relief in the symptoms of this foot problem. Mostly gluten free and anti-inflammatory food is recommended for the patients suffering from Metatarsalgia.[7] Some of the foods which have anti-inflammatory nature are highly recommended for the patients suffering from Metatarsalgia.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 4, 2022

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