In the right amounts, testosterone, a steroid hormone produced in the testes and adrenal glands, promotes the development and functioning of male traits and secondary sexual characteristics, including libido (sexual desire) and reproduction; it assists in the growth of bone and muscle mass and helps to regulate certain brain functions. A high level of testosterone can lead to certain favorable characteristics, such as increased energy and greater ability to learn and retain information. But in very high amounts, it can induce exaggerated or extreme behavior and cause side effects at a physical level as little desired as harmful.
Can A Man Have Too Much Testosterone?
It is very much possible for a man to have too much testosterone and it generally happens because of testosterone supplements. High concentrations of testosterone can occur naturally or as a result of a supplement with patches, gels or intramuscular injections. Since the levels of this hormone go down after the age of 50, your doctor may suggest you start a replacement therapy based on synthetic testosterone. If during this replacement therapy, you see a decrease in control of your impulses and extreme mood swings or you feel angrier and more argumentative than usual, you may have too much testosterone in your body.
Anabolic Testosterone Steroids
The abuse of anabolic testosterone steroids has been associated with a wide variety of adverse side effects.
Hormone System: Reversible changes include reduced sperm production and testicular atrophy. Among the irreversible changes is a male pattern of baldness and breast development (gynecomastia) in men.
Musculoskeletal System: Increasing levels of testosterone and other sex hormones generally cause the rapid growth that occurs during puberty and adolescence and also provides the signals for this growth to stop. When a child or adolescent takes anabolic steroids, artificially high levels that result from sex hormones can send signals to the bones to stop growing earlier than they normally would have.
Cardiovascular System: Steroid abuse has been associated with cardiovascular disease, including heart and brain attacks, even in athletes under 30 years of age. Steroids contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases, in part because they alter the levels of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol in the blood.
Liver: Steroid abuse has been associated with liver tumors and an uncommon condition called peliosis hepatic, in which cysts filled with blood form in the liver. Sometimes both tumors and cysts can burst causing internal bleeding.
Skin: Steroid abuse can cause acne and cysts, as well as greasy skin and hair
Infections: Some people that inject anabolic steroids use non-sterile techniques to inject themselves, or share contaminated needles with others.
These factors put steroid abusers at risk for life-threatening viral infections such as HIV and hepatitis B and C. Abusers may also develop an infectious endocarditis, a bacterial disease that produces a potentially deadly inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. In addition, bacterial infections can cause pain and the formation of abscesses at injection sites.
Researchers believe that men with high levels of testosterone smoke and drink more than those with a lower concentration of this hormone in the body. The findings of these experts also suggest that these men intervene in fights, present combative behaviors and can embark on risky ventures more often than men with less testosterone do. Their research also reveals a tendency of these men to commit acts of infidelity and abuse with their partners or spouses.
According to this study, if you have high testosterone, you may experience frequent episodes of unemployment, troubled relationships, divorce and a tense deal with children. It may be difficult for you to remain faithful to a person and suffer from sexually transmitted diseases. That tendency of you to bet and take risks could result in legal and financial difficulties. There is also the possibility that you are a victim of frequent accidents due to your impulsive and disturbed nature.
Testosterone reaches its maximum peak around 20 years, but then concentrations begin to decline slowly. However, many people consume supplements with testosterone, thinking it can benefit them for its power to increase muscle mass and restore lung capacity after exercise. As aforementioned; high levels of testosterone can bring certain consequences.
- Mayo Clinic. (2022). Male hypogonadism.
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020). Anabolic Steroids.
- Harvard Health Publishing. (2020). Testosterone, aging, and the mind.
- WebMD. (2022). Testosterone replacement therapy.
Also Read:
- Testosterone: Treatment of Opioid Induced Hypogonadism
- How to Improve the Testosterone Level: Enhance your Manpower !!
- Causes & Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men
- Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men
- Link between Testosterone and Hair Loss
- Testosterone Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
- What Is The Best Testosterone Treatment?