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What is Low Testosterone Therapy?

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone produced by the testes. Testosterone is a type of androgen produced by the leydig cells of the testicles. In men it is thought to regulate a number of functions along with production of sperms. It is the hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics such as deepening of voice, chest hair, facial hair (beard and moustache) and increased muscle strength and body mass. It regulates a number of functions that is regulation of sex drive, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle size and strength, red blood cell production.

What is Low Testosterone Therapy?

Low testosterone therapy helps in improving a man’s quality of life. Besides its sexual benefits, low testosterone therapy will also help in improving a person’s mood and energy levels and also reduces irritability and anger. Low testosterone therapy helps in boosting low testosterone levels to normal and also regaining the manhood of a man. Low testosterone therapy will however also result in some side effects, which usually go away on stopping the treatment. Low testosterone therapy side effects include breast enlargement, acne and sleep apnea.

Low testosterone therapy is also known to raise the risk of developing blood clots and stroke. Also males who use testosterone gel are advised hand wash properly after administering a dosage and also be sure that no one else touches the area where they have used the medication. Low testosterone therapy will lead to premature puberty and hair growth in a child. Even though these side effects are very rare, but they can occur in some people exposed to testosterone, and as precaution skin to skin contact with women, children and pets is advised at least for 2 to 4 hours after administering the medicine. As an alternative nasal gel is being used nowadays that eliminates risk of exposure to others. It is beneficial to remain on low testosterone levels in the long run.

Although low testosterone therapy’s long term safety has not been proved but it has shown to be beneficial to many patients whose lives have dramatically changed after testosterone therapy. The benefits have outweighed the risks and are being used regularly under expert supervision.

Low levels of testosterone can result in infertility in men, because it assists in the development of mature sperm. Although, it is male hormone it also regulates sex drive, bone density and muscle strength in women. Also women who have excess levels of testosterone can develop male pattern baldness and infertility. The normal range of testosterone in males is about 670 ng/dL. The level of testosterone is known to peak at puberty around the age group of 20 years and after that it slowly declines. The optimum level of testosterone in a man is around 400-600 ng/dL. Testosterone production is controlled by the brain and pituitary gland. These hormones are produced by the testes and then they move to different body parts under the influence of the pituitary gland to carry out their function.

Signs And Symptoms Of Low Testosterone Levels

Low testosterone levels have been linked to higher risk of cardiovascular problems but it is not clear if the heart problems are caused by low testosterone alone. According to research testosterone also plays a role in how long men live. Men who have low levels of testosterone were found to have a shorter life span. However many other factors could also be involved and bringing testosterone to better levels has not shown any impact on the longevity of men. Some evidence suggests that treating low testosterone levels helps in strengthening a man’s bone that can prevent osteoporosis and also helps in controlling blood sugar that helps control diabetes.


  1. Mayo Clinic – Testosterone therapy: What are the risks of testosterone therapy?: Read more
  2. Harvard Health Publishing – A Harvard expert shares his thoughts on testosterone-replacement therapy
  3. National Institute on Aging – Testosterone and Aging: Clinical Research Directions
  4. WebMD – Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Pros and Cons
  5. Urology Care Foundation – Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 3, 2023

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