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What Is The Best Treatment For Ocular Albinism?

Ocular albinism is a genetic disease that appears due to mutations in the specific genes responsible for the synthesis of melanin. It is represented by complete absence or partial presence of melanin. This disorder typically affects the eyes. It shows symptoms such as depigmentation of the eyes, sensitivity to light, and vision problems. It affects both males and females, but it is more common in males. It can develop in individuals belonging to any race or ethnic group. It is detected by physical examination, evaluation of the symptoms, genetic tests, and many more.

What Is The Best Treatment For Ocular Albinism?

What Is The Best Treatment For Ocular Albinism?

The best treatment for ocular albinism is based on the presentation of symptoms. In most cases, the cause of the disorder is a genetic defect resulting in malformations in the early development stage of the eye before birth. The treatment procedure involves regular eye exams, corrective lenses for the refractive error, including astigmatism and treatment of the strabismus. Its treatment is necessary as it can contribute to further vision loss if it is left untreated. The best treatment of this disorder is dependent on the symptoms representation. It can be achieved by the following-(2)

Corrective lenses used in this disorder are in the form of glasses or contact lenses.

In severe cases, glasses with small telescopes mounted on the lenses or handheld telescopes are used to have better results.(2)

In the case of strabismus, the vision fields of the eyes cross each other, and the brain receives a dual image. In many cases, the brain disregards the information from one of the eyes to interpret this image gradually, resulting in permanent vision loss in this eye. Early treatment of strabismus is conducted with the help of eye drops, patches, or corrective eye surgery. It is of utmost essential to preserve the vision in both the eyes.(2)

Therapy to facilitate and stimulate vision development in infants and toddlers is also necessary. The use of visual aids can help in low or poor vision.(3)

Protecting the skin from the harmful effect of the sun and other UV-radiation sources is also necessary for albinism. In ocular albinism. During stay out in the sun, covering the skin with a light cover of clothes and applying suntan lotion with a high SPF (sun protection factor) can avoid permanent damage to the surface. (2) The use of UV-protected sunglasses can also protect the eye.(3)

  • Tinted glasses are also recommended to reduce light-sensitivity.(3)
  • Wide-brimmed hats can also be used to protect eyes from sensitivity to light.(3)
  • Surgical correction for conditions such as strabismus and nystagmus in this disorder is performed to improve the vision.(3)

The word “albinism” means light-colored skin or hair. In some cases, albinism also can affect the eyes of the patient. In such a condition, it’s called ocular albinism, a rare eye condition that is of genetic origin. It often develops in boys and men than in girls or women.(1)

The eyes of a person with ocular albinism may appear different and impact one’s vision, and the person is advised to wear special glasses or contact lenses to improve the view. The eyesight of the person with this disorder is not lost completely, and the condition won’t get worse with time. In fact, with the growing age, the eyesight of children who have it may get better.(1)

The symptoms of ocular albinism involve blurred vision, depigmentation of the eyes, sensitivity to light, strabismus, nystagmus, astigmatism, and others.(1)


Ocular albinism affects the eyes the most. It may cause sensitivity to light, strabismus, nystagmus, and vision problems. It is treated according to the symptoms. The best treatment can be achieved based on the symptoms present in the patient.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 21, 2022

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