Do Sunglasses Help with Glaucoma?
In the specific case of glaucoma, the patients have high sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. However, with sunglasses and a visor or a wide-brimmed hat, you can prevent and take care of your eye´s health.
The solar radiation that reaches us is the result of a series of complex processes. From its emission until it reaches our eyes, it suffers many changes that modify it, increasing or decreasing its effects on the ocular structures. These changes depend a lot on environmental aspects, time of year, height and on the surface in which it reflects.
Of the radiations emitted by the sun, ultraviolet (UV), are the most harmful to our body, affecting the skin and the eyes.
Ultraviolet light can cause eye damage without adequate protection. Sunlight is reflected on surfaces and is able to cause burns on the superficial structures of the eye and, on occasions when there is prolonged exposure to the sun, it can damage even the internal structure of the eye, like the crystalline or the retina.
World Health Organization (WHO) warns us that solar radiation, due to the continuous deterioration of the layer of ozone of the atmosphere, is the origin of the increase in the number of cases of eye diseases such as actinic Keratoconjunctivitis, degeneration of the retina, cataracts, among others.
Adequate protection and overall an adequate use of the sun, are our main defenses against possible problems. Recall that in our daily environment both work and pleasure, there are elements that reflect in greater or smaller measure the sun. For example a golf course, or a football field reflects 3% of solar radiation, the beach 30%, the water 60% and snow 80%, regardless of whether the day is sunny or not. For this reason it is very important, in the practice of certain sports, the use of sunglasses, even when the day seems to be cloudy. It is a curious fact that in a cloudy day at the beach we still get tanned.
The effects of UV radiation are cumulative, so there is a greater risk of suffering long-term eye injuries term.
The best eye protection is using good sunglasses, with all the guarantees of possible quality. Not because a sunglass is dark is indication of good quality.
Which Ones are the Best?
Sunglasses must be adapted in relation to the activity that is desired to perform:
- Glasses with filter 0: They are very clear glasses. For indoors or with cloudy sky use.
- Glasses with filter 1: Slightly colored. For use in the city.
- Glasses with filter 2: Medium colored. For use in open areas, outdoor shows, or driving by day on the road.
- Glasses with filter 3: Very colored lenses. To use mainly on the beach, not snowed mountains and driving on highways (only during the day).
- Glasses with filter 4: Very dark lenses. To use on ski, high mountains, but also in snow and water activities.
If you want to buy some sunglasses for use in the city, it is recommended that you get those with the maximum color (darkness) when looking in a mirror, but it is relevant that you can see your eyes through the spectacle lens.
- The too dark glasses are advisable for snow, High Mountain and water activities. It is advisable that this goggle has lateral protection.
- Eye protection is related with the power of the filter used; do not necessarily with the color of the glasses.
- Never look directly at the sun, with no sunglasses, or even with a 4 filter glass.
- Never use sunglasses for the night driving.
- And the glasses with filter 4 should not be used to drive neither by day nor by night.
- Your ophthalmologist and your optical-optometrist are the people indicated to advise you.
- Lately, in the market, there are graduated sunglasses that can be a very good alternative.
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