Near-sightedness is an eye condition in which the affected person cannot see distant objects clearly. However, nearby objects appear clear to him. It is also known as myopia. Near-sightedness is caused due to a refraction error in the eye.
Does Near-Sightedness Improve Or Worsen With Age?
Near-sightedness can develop at any age. However, it commonly develops in childhood or teenage and worsens over the years. Near-sightedness may stabilize in adulthood, but in some cases, it may continue to increase. This can happen at any age and is more common if there are high levels of near-sightedness. As a general observation, it can be said that the younger is the age at which you develop near-sightedness, the higher will be the degree of near-sightedness that you will reach. In some people, their near-sightedness gets to a certain level and stays constant at that level for many years.(1)
Who Is At A Risk Of Getting Near-Sightedness?
There are a few factors which may increase your risk of getting near-sightedness, like-
- It is observed that near-sightedness occurs in families
- If one of the parents has near-sightedness, the chances of you getting this condition are more compared to those whose parents do not have
- If both parents have near-sightedness it is even more possible that you will get this condition(2)
Reading And Other Close Visual Work-
- People who spend a lot of time reading or writing are at an increased risk of developing myopia
- Same applies to those who do long hours of computer, screen, mobile or other close-up visual work
- Spending a lot of time playing electronic games or watching television can also put you at an increased risk of getting near-sightedness
- It is also seen that holding the reading material, mobiles, screens too close to the eyes can also put you at an increased risk of getting myopia.(2)
Environmental Factors-
- Certain environmental factors like spending very little time outdoors may relate to an increased risk of near-sightedness
- The exact reason for this is not known. However, researchers speculate that sun’s rays may have something to do with it
- Spending more time outdoors may help you in preventing near-sightedness, as it will decidedly keep you away from the risk factors like reading, writing, watching television, working on gadgets and computers, etc.(2)
Complications Of Near-Sightedness-
Near-sightedness may cause many complications, some mild and some severe. These may include-
A decreased quality of life-
- If your near-sightedness isn’t corrected, it may affect your everyday life
- You may not be able to perform a task as you wish you would
- Your limited vision may keep you from enjoying your everyday activities(2)
Strain On The Eyes-
- Near-sightedness if not corrected may make you strain your eyes to make up for the compromised vision
- This may lead to severe strain on the eyes and headaches(2)
Compromised Safety-
If you do not correct your near-sightedness, you may put yours as well as other people’s lives at risk while doing various activities like driving, etc.(2)
Financial Setback-
If you do a job that requires a perfect vision, it may be difficult for you to sustain your job if you do not correct your near-sightedness
Also, all the check-ups, follow-ups, testing, eyeglasses, contact lenses, etc. may put a hole in your pocket, as they may prove to be expensive at times(2)
Other Problems Related To The Eyes-
If there is high near-sightedness, there may be an increased risk of retinal detachment, cataracts, glaucoma, etc.(2)
Nearsightedness may occur at any age. It is seen to be stabilizing somewhere in your twenties. However, some cases may progress with age and can cause serious complications and damage to the eye. Knowing the risk factors is essential to prevent or delay the onset of near-sightedness.
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