Staging a tumor depends on a series of factors such as the physical examination, image studies and pathologic features of the tumor itself. And this is very important because the specialists treat patients according to the stage.
What is the Survival Rate of Orbital Tumor?
Survival rates exist to indicate the number of people with the same type and stage of cancer that remain alive for a certain period of time (generally 5 years) after being diagnosed. Occasionally some people live so much longer. These rates can not indicate how much time patients are going to live, but they can give an idea of the probabilities for the treatment to be successful. Some people would prefer to know this while others don’t.
Relative survival rates are a more accurate way to estimate the effect of cancer on survival. Survival rates are occasionally based on previous results in a big number of people who had the disease. Nevertheless, it cannot predict what will happen in each particular case.
The orbital tumor prognosis and survival rate basically depend on the pathological diagnosis. Here´s a review of survival rates according to the orbital tumor´s origin:
Survival Rate for Primary Orbital Tumors
Hemangioma: This particular tumor has a predetermined pattern of growth resulting in a slow involution lasting 1 to 8 years. By 9 months of age, growth is in most cases complete.
The best part of hemangiomas prevail stable throughout a patient´s life and may not cause visual compromise.
If surgery is required, patients may have a great prognosis and result in low morbidity.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: The average 5-year relative survival rate for patients with this condition is 70%. On the other hand, the 10-year relative survival rate is 60%. Nevertheless, we must keep in mind that these rates can be different according to the different types and stages of lymphoma.
Meningioma: Survival rates lean on many factors, such as patient`s age and the nature of the tumor (being worse in cancerous tumors).
According to studies, the 10 year survival rate for malignant meningioma is around 57%, it is almost 78% for people age 20 to 44 and around 40% for people 75 and older.
Optic Nerve Glioma: This condition shows up in approximately 5% of all tumor cerebri in pediatric patients. Its evolution cannot be predicted. According to some researches, it has a 5-year average survival rate of more than 90% but a decreased progression-free survival rate of 40%.
Survival Rate for Secondary Orbital Tumors
Carcinoma: A carcinoma is a type of cancer that develops from epithelial cells, it is a cancer that origins in a tissue that covers the internal or external surfaces of the body. This is the most common type of cancer. Common sites of carcinomas are the skin, mouth, lung, breast, digestive tract, and uterus. In that way, survival rates depend exclusively on the location of the carcinoma.
Vascular Malformations: According to studies, the prognosis and the survival rate may be inconclusive.
Basal Cell Carcinoma: This is a very common type of skin cancer. It is pretty uncommon for it to expand to other parts of the body. Nevertheless, if basal cell carcinoma is not treated it can spread to neighboring areas and invade other tissues.
Survival Rate for Metastatic Orbital Tumors
The most common are breast and lung cancer. In women, the 5- year survival rate with stage 0 or I is almost 100%, in stage II is around 93%, in stage III is about 72% while in stage IV is just 22%.
In men, tumors are mostly located in lungs: Its survival rate depends on the stage: IA (49%), IB (45%), 2A (30%), 2B (31%), 3A (14%), 3B (5%) and IV (1%).
Orbitary invasion influences in a very important manner in survival and local recurrence rate (which depends of many factors). Survival is not affected when the invasion is limited to the periorbital area; nevertheless, experts have not agreed the grade of tumor invasion safe in oncological terms when the orbit is preserved.
- National Cancer Institute. Cancer Stat Facts: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
- American Brain Tumor Association. Meningioma.
- American Cancer Society. What Is Basal and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer?
- Cancer Research UK. Breast Cancer Survival Statistics.
- American Cancer Society. Key Statistics for Lung Cancer.
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