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How Long Does Chapped Nose Take to Heal & What are Its Home Remedies?

What is a Chapped Nose & How Long Does It Take to Heal?

Chapped nose is a common problems experienced by many. Running nose and sneezing often cause chapped nose, especially during the winter season. In most of the cases, the common cold wears-off in a matter of few days but the discomfort it causes, including chapped nose can be irritating. The chapped nose which comes with the sneezing and running nose often stays for long. Though it is not a major health issue it can cause trouble in performing the daily tasks properly. You may feel irritation and pain around the nostrils which force you to wipe your nose vigorously which further increase the problem.

Knowing about the causes and symptoms of chapped nose can help you understand the condition better. Also some effective home remedies for chapped nose can help you manage the condition at home. Generally, it can take up to 7 days for the chapped nose to heal properly. In some cases, it can take up to a month to heal. If the problem persists even after using home remedies, make sure to check with the doctor and get some medication to speed up the healing process of chapped nose.

What is a Chapped Nose & How Long Does It Take to Heal?

Causes of Chapped Nose

The commonest causes of chapped nose include common cold, sneezing and running nose. In most of the cases, the chapped nose goes away on its own without any additional medication. As your immune system fights the infection in your body, the sneezing and running nose go away and thus the chapped nose gets the required time to heal. However, during this course of time, it can cause irritation around the nostrils and in some cases pain as well. If running nose recurs or occurs frequently, the chapped nose does not get enough time to heal or may get irritated again.

Symptoms of Chapped Nose

The symptoms of chapped nose are visible and can be easily identified. When you have chapped nose the area around the nose appears pinkish in the beginning and with time can turn red. The skin around the nostrils will get flaky and peels off easily, if touched. These are the commonest symptoms of chapped nose. The inner skin gets exposed during this course of time which is tender in nature. The air around you and the mucus coming out of your nose further irritates the inner skin and makes it dry making the problem worse. As the skin gets exposed it causes more irritation and the vicious circle continues.

Home Remedies for Chapped Nose

Here are some of the home remedies for chapped nose. Some essential oils are considered beneficial as they can help you in easing the irritation and pain caused by a chapped nose. Here are some of the most effective ones to manage chapped nose.

  1. Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil is one of the best home remedies for chapped nose. It is a natural moisturizer which works perfectly on dry skin. All you need to do it get a scoop of the coconut oil and apply it thrice a day on the affected area. It will moisturize the skin around the nostril and will form a protective layer for the inner skin. Coconut oil should be at room temperature as warm oil on the chapped nose may not be tolerated by some people.

  2. Coconut Oil Mixed With Tea Tree Oil

    Tea tree oil is one of the most effective and versatile essential oils available in the market and every home should have it. It has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties thus making it one of the most effective home remedies for chapped nose and similar problems. You can use the tea tree oil to speed up the healing process of wounds and cuts and it is an effective treatment for acne as well. As it works perfectly for the skin problems, flaky skin and chapped nose can easily be treated with this simple home remedy.

    Tea tree oil is strong in nature and it may not suit the skin of all. Hence, it is mixed with other essential oils so that it works perfectly. For the chapped nose, it works best with coconut oil.

  3. Rosehip Oil

    While many people may not have heard of rosehip oil, it is one of the best home remedies for chapped nose. The healing properties of this oil are considered as superior than many other essential oils. It contains a high amount of vitamin A, C, and E along with Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids with anti-oxidants. In short, this is the powerhouse of essential oils and if used regularly, it can work wonders. The rosehip oil can be applied twice a day to the affected area in small quantity. You will need just a few drops to speed up the healing process.

    Similarly, olive oil or sesame oil can also be used to relieve chapped nose. Other home remedies for chapped nose also include application of aloe vera gel, honey or petroleum jelly.

    Chapped nose is common and has several causes including common cold especially during winter season. While it usually subsides on its own, using home remedies can help in relieving the symptoms of chapped nose and promote healing. You can use home remedies for chapped nose and essential oils to ease the symptoms and speed up the healing process. In case it does not heal in a week or if the complaints worsen, it is better to seek medical opinion.


  1. Healthline. “How to Get Rid of a Chapped Nose: Causes and Home Remedies.” https://www.healthline.com/health/how-to-get-rid-of-a-chapped-nose
  2. Medical News Today. “Why Is My Nose Stuffy?” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324394
  3. WebMD. “Dry or Chapped Nose Skin.” https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/soothe-dry-skin#1
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 6, 2023

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