Tea Tree Oil which is also known by the name of Melaleuca is widely renowned for its antiseptic properties and its ability to heal small cuts and wounds effectively. Tea Tree Oil is derived from a plant from Australian origin called Melaleuca Alternifolia and has been used in Australia since ancient times. Various studies have proven the effectiveness of tea tree oil in treating many skin conditions, acne and also being beneficial for hair health.
Coming to the benefits of Tea Tree Oil, they are plenty. They are used widely in making cleaning products for homes, using it in the form of sprays to kill molds in basement of the house and other damp areas, application of it on the skin to treat cuts and bruises. Tea Tree Oil can also be used internally to treat certain viral infections as well. Tea Tree Oil is fast becoming an important ingredient in various types of face wash, shampoos, massage oils and nail creams. This article highlights some of the important benefits of Tea Tree Oil.
Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Skin
Some of the skin health benefits of Tea Tree Oil are:
Tea Tree Oil for Healthy Skin:
Tea Tree Oil has properties in it that can make the skin glow and thus is used by many people who have dark spots or pimple bursts. All you need to do is pour some drops of Tea Tree Oil on a piece of cotton and apply it on the affected areas of the skin. You can also use face washes and gels which have Tea Tree Oil in them for the same.
Tea Tree Oil for Razor Burn Relief:
Razor burns and ingrown hair can be quite painful and annoying if they are not treated properly and Tea Tree Oil is quite beneficial in treating this. For this, you can use a few drops of Tea Tree Oil on a piece of cotton and apply it on the affected area of razor burn. This will provide a soothing effect to the skin. For ingrown hair, you will have to mix Tea Tree Oil in water and apply it on the affected area.
Tea Tree Oil for Skin Treatments:
Tea Tree Oil is quite beneficial in treatment of various viral and fungal skin infections like athlete’s foot and fungal nail infections. Tea Tree Oil also has antiseptic properties and is quite effective in treating cuts, wounds, burns, boils and other skin disorders. You can dilute the Tea Tree Oil in water and apply over the affected skin areas to get immediate results. It soothes the skin and cuts down the redness and itching.
Warts and Ringworms:
Tea Tree Oil is also quite beneficial in treating conditions like corns, warts and ringworms. All you have to do is apply Tea Tree Oil on the affected area of the ringworm or wart and in no time you will see the benefits of Tea Tree Oil in treating these conditions.
Dry Skin:
Tea Tree Oil is also quite beneficial in getting rid of dry skin. All you need to do is add about five spoons of Tea Tree Oil to one spoon of almond oil and massage it gently on the skin. It is recommended to do it just before bathing. Leave the oil on the skin for a few minutes and then go for a shower. Using this regularly will keep the skin hydrated for a longer period of time and not allow it to get dry.
Tea Tree Oil for Psoriasis:
Tea Tree Oil is also quite beneficial in treating conditions like psoriasis and other infections due to its antibacterial properties. Psoriatic patients can mix Tea Tree Oil in the water they use for bathing and then take a bath. Doing this regularly definitely will go a long way in helping treat psoriasis. It will also help in treating infections in the nail, fingers, and legs.
Skin Itching:
If you suffer from constant skin itching then Tea Tree Oil can be quite beneficial, as Tea Tree Oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties which can be effective in stopping skin itching. Tea Tree Oil fights off these bacteria and viruses and thus treat skin itching.
Tea Tree Oil for Chicken Pox:
An individual with chicken pox always has a strong desire to itch. Applying Tea Tree Oil is quite beneficial in cutting down this urge to scratch the skin which may be detrimental to the skin especially during chicken pox. You can take warm water mixed with Tea Tree Oil and wash the area where you have the urge to itch.
Tea Tree Oil for Body Odor:
Tea Tree Oil is also quite beneficial in getting rid of bad body odor which can be caused due to sweat and growth of bacteria on the skin and clothes. You can mix Tea Tree Oil in the water used for bathing and can use this water for a bath. Doing this diligently helps in getting rid of bad body odor.
Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Acne
Tea Tree Oil for Acne:
Tea Tree Oil is quite beneficial for people suffering from acne. Tea Tree Oil is a natural alternative for curing acne without any side effects. Tea Tree Oil also reduces sebum production by the skin and fights off the bacteria, which is responsible for development of acne. You need to take 2-3 drops of Tea Tree Oil and mix it with one tablespoon of honey and yogurt. You can apply this paste on the acne affected areas of the skin. Leave the paste on the skin for about 20 minutes and then wash it off. Within a few weeks, you will see the positive results and the benefits of Tea Tree Oil in treating acne.
Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Hair
Tea Tree Oil for Hair:
Studies have shown that Tea Tree Oil is quite beneficial for hair growth. It helps in unclogging hair follicles and nourishes the roots. You need to take a few drops of Tea Tree Oil and mix it with any hair oil and massage it on the scalp. This will give a refreshing and tingling effect on the scalp. It should be noted here that Tea Tree Oil should not be applied directly on the scalp but mixed with hair oil and then applied to avail its benefits for hair health.