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What Causes Stress Rash On The Face & How To Treat It?

About Stress Rash On The Face:

A study done in 2018 suggested that Americans are the most stressed people around the world. Stress is an emotional situation where a professional, personal, or physical distress can take a toll on the overall health of a body. Stress is known to cause various medical conditions of which hypertension is quite common. Additionally, skin rashes are also seen regularly in people who are excessively stressed out. These rashes are seen more in people who have preexisting skin conditions like eczema or rosacea. People who are sensitive to common allergens like dust, mold, or pollen are also vulnerable to getting skin rash as a result of stress. However, this is not a perquisite for getting a rash due to stress, anyone can get it.[1,2]

The mechanism behind skin rash due to stress is that the body releases chemicals when it is under stress that at times causes inflammation and makes the skin extremely sensitive resulting in rashes. Face is the most common area where rashes develop due to stress. They appear as raised erythematous lesions which medically are termed as hives. The neck, chest, and arms can also get affected due to these rashes.[1,2]

Stress rashes tend to form in clusters and at times are itchy. The person may also have a burning or a tingling sensation around the affected area. The size of skin rashes due to stress is variable where some people may just have a patch while in others the whole face may get affected. Diagnosing skin rash due to is quite challenging, especially in people with preexisting dermatological conditions due to significant similarity in the symptoms. Stress can be detected if there is a sudden worsening of symptoms without any valid reason.[1,2] This article highlights some of the causes and treatment options for Stress Rash on face.

What Causes Stress Rash On The Face?

What Causes Stress Rash On The Face

When under stress, the body releases a stress hormone called cortisol. This has an adverse effect on the immune system resulting in inflammation. This makes the body vulnerable to react to various allergens and cause rashes on the skin. In people with pre-existing dermatological conditions, stress has a double impact on the body resulting in worsening of the symptoms of Stress Rash.[1,2]

How to Treat Stress Rash on the Face?

Stress Rash on the Face can be effectively treated by following certain home remedies, some of which include using Virgin Coconut oil. Studies have suggested that this oil has abundance of anti inflammatory properties which protect the skin. Using Aloe vera on the affected skin also provides relief from Stress Rash on the Face.[2]

Some researchers also suggest chamomile oil also has an effective means of dealing with stress rash. Chamomile oil has anti inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and is also a very powerful antioxidant. It can be best used by adding a couple of drops in the regular moisturizer and applying on the affected area.[2]

In instances where these remedies are not effective then another alternative is to try over the counter antihistamines that calm down the inflammation by inhibiting the production of histamines and treat Stress Rash on the Face. In extreme cases, a consultation with a physician is required for treatment of Stress Rash on the Face. The physician may recommend limited use of corticosteroids or antibiotics to deal with the condition.[2]

However, for these treatments to be effective and curative it is essential to have a strong stress coping strategy. Yoga, exercises, or a consultation with a psychiatrist or a psychologist is an effective way to manage day to day stress and avoid getting Stress Rashes. Emergency medical attention need to be sought in situations where a person with Stress rash starts complaining of breathing problems or dysphagia.[2]

In conclusion, stress has become a part of everyday life. A recent study done shows that the Americans are the most stressed people in the world. Stress can be both professional and personal. While there are many negative effects of stress on the body, one of the most common one is a stress rash, especially on the face.[1,2]

Stress rashes look pretty similar to the rash seen with a dermatological condition called hives. The severity of the rash is significantly more in people with preexisting dermatological conditions like rosacea or eczema. There are home remedies as well as pharmacological treatments the best way to avoid getting stress rash is by managing stress in a healthful manner. This can be done by exercising, yoga, meditation, or seeking psychological support. If a person is able to manage stress effectively, managing Stress Rash on the Face becomes that much easier. [1,2]


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 19, 2021

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