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How Long Will It Take To Recover From Functional Dyspepsia & How Long Does The Symptoms Last?

Indigestion (dyspepsia) is a persistent condition in which the digestive bodies, principally the gut and main part of the small intestine (and seldom the esophagus), behave unusually. You may experience fullness too quickly after consumption and have discomfort or pain or a heartburn.

It is one of the most common disorders and has a prevalence rate of 10-20%. Functional dyspepsia primarily affects the gastrointestinal tract. The symptoms vary in intensity between months to years.

The Rome III criteria classify functional dyspepsia into epigastric pain syndrome (pain or discomfort right below your ribs in the area of your upper abdomen) and postprandial distress syndrome (a form of indigestion that causes pain and burning in the throat and stomach) depending on the interval of the symptoms.

How Long Will It Take To Recover From Functional Dyspepsia?

Several patients overlook functional dyspepsia as common indigestion or vomiting problem. However, when you have any of these below symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention

  • Pain or irritation in the rib cage or upper stomach, usually after eating, munching too quickly or consumption of a heavy diet.
  • Bloating of the abdomen.
  • Extreme burping.
  • Bloody or brown-colored, dawdle bowel movements
  • Vomiting that will not stop
  • Excessive weight loss

The major causes of functional dyspepsia are often dependent on motor or nerve problems, pain sensitivity, infection, and psychological & social factors. In general, it is diagnosed through certain clinical trials especially through endoscopy of the upper abdomen. Based on the results, the condition is treated. 1. 2.

Nevertheless, when your symptoms do not improve in less than four to eight weeks, you will be subjected to further examinations. Medical studies show that most people recover devoid of any prolonged effects but 20–30% of those who have been hospitalized with gastroenteritis endure bowel disorders which persist for weeks or even a few years following the previous illness.

It is well-known that there is no direct treatment for functional dyspepsia however your doctor may suggest an antacid medication as one of the first treatments for dyspepsia that can help manage the symptoms. But, when you have severe symptoms, H-2-receptor antagonists are recommended because they reduce stomach acid levels and last longer than antacids. Or you may take a proton pump inhibitor. These drugs apparently should be given for no more than 8–12 weeks.

Functional Dyspepsia patients experience symptoms for one month or longer. Your symptoms may come and go over time. 3.

How Long Does Functional Dyspepsia Symptoms Last?

As already discussed, functional dyspepsia is a chronic infection that typically lasts for a few years though not for a lifetime. Several patients suffer more than one symptom. Functional dyspepsia may occur and disappear however, their symptoms will persist with enhanced seriousness for numerous weeks or months and then decline or vanish completely in the future. The reasons for these instabilities are anonymous.

Because of the rise and fall, it is often essential to decide the consequences of therapy and medications over several weeks or months. To be more specific that any progress is due to therapy and not merely to a normal variation in the frequency or seriousness of the disorder.

There are certain challenges when you are living with this condition. The symptoms of functional dyspepsia can affect your behaviors of daily living or cause you to prevent incidents centered around eating. Remember to get the support you need to help manage the condition.

However, dietary modification, prescribed medications and therapy, and psychological remedies definitely help minimize functional dyspepsia disorder. Learning ways to manage your symptoms can help you recover from this condition early4. 5.


  1. Patient education: Upset stomach (functional dyspepsia) in adults (Beyond the Basics) https://www.uptodate.com/contents/upset-stomach-functional-dyspepsia-in-adults-beyond-the-basics
  2. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5938438/
  3. Understanding Functional Dyspepsia https://www.saintlukeskc.org/health-library/understanding-functional-dyspepsia#
  4. Functional Dyspepsia « Conditions « Ada https://ada.com/conditions/functional-dyspepsia/
  5. Indigestion definition (dyspepsia, upset stomach) and facts https://www.medicinenet.com/dyspepsia/article.htm

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 7, 2019

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