Can Nuts Give You Acid Reflux?

Nuts are technically fruits but unlike other fruits they are not sweet and are high in fat. They have a satisfying taste and are very convenient for many kinds of diets. Despite being high in fats, nuts have impressive benefits for health. Nuts have benefits like the abundance of nutrients, loads of antioxidants, lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, they are anti-inflammatory etc. but when taken in high amounts, nuts can be a great supply of dietary fat. People with GERD, which has acid reflux as a symptom, experience more acid reflux signs after taking high fat foods. High fat food can increase acid reflux signs by delaying stomach emptying and /or relaxing the LES or lower esophageal sphincter. The lower esophageal sphincter muscle keeps food in the stomach from going back into the esophagus. The stomach is designed to handle acid but not the esophagus or throat. Excessive nuts at a single time can cause these various digestive system problems and thus eventually trigger acid reflux symptoms.

There are many allergies related to nuts, one of these allergies named EoE or eosinophilic esophagitis can happen in people who are sensitive and allergic to nuts. Facing acid reflux once in a while is very common and absolutely normal, but if the frequency of the problem increases then it is an indication that the problem is not in normal stage. Instead, the problem needs expert help but in case the problem is left untreated for long then it can lead to a big problem in the long run. Nuts need to be completely removed from the diet in cases of the eosionophllic esophahitis allergy. Frequent acid reflux can cause serious problems like changes in the structure of the esophagus as well as cancer along with small problems like discomfort.

Can Nuts Give You Acid Reflux?

Can Nuts Give You Acid Reflux?

People who have peanut allergies and acid reflux both may realize that if they do eat peanuts or peanut product they have a severe bout of acid reflux. Symptoms of acid reflux may be much worse if they did not had peanut allergy. Anyone who knows that they have peanut allergy must avoid eating peanuts but even if people do not have any such allergy but they still suffer from acid reflux problem, it is a good and healthy way to either completely avoid or limit the intake of peanut products such as peanut butter or peanut bar. People who suffer from peanut allergy also face the problem of acid reflux when they consume any type of peanut products. When such individuals take peanuts in any form they either feel like burning in the chest region and this is one of the prominent symptoms of acid reflux.

In some people acid reflux symptoms are actually improved after adding walnuts to their diet. This is because walnuts contain omega 3 fatty acids. These acids actually minimize the symptoms of acid reflux in some people. Fatty acids also aid in digestion, so walnuts are a good food choice if people are suffering from acid reflux disease.

Unlike some other nuts, almonds are alkaline. The mono saturated fat and omega 3 that almonds contain protects heart and their dietary fiber content could make people feel full between meals, thus helping them fight over weight problem as well which also causes acid reflux.

If nuts are consumed in small amounts even on daily basis, they mostly do not provoke acid reflux. Around ½ a cup is an ideal amount at a time during acid reflux disease. Different kinds of nuts have different effects on acid reflux problem and these are also affected by the fact that whether the people consuming nuts have allergies related to them or not. Overall the addition of nuts can be considered safe is the amount is not too high and frequency of consumption of nuts is not too often.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 4, 2018

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