What is MRSA Infection & How is it Treated?

What is MRSA Infection?

MRSA is an abbreviated form of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. MRSA infection is caused by a type of staphylococcus bacteria which has become resistant to most of the standard antibiotics used to treat bacterial infections.

What is MRSA Infection?

In majority of the cases, MRSA occurs in people who have been in hospital or nursing homes for some reason for a prolonged period of time and have a compromised immune system. It can also be called as healthcare associated MRSA Infection. Such infections occur after a complicated surgical procedure when the body is recuperating from the procedure. It can also be caused due to contaminated IV tubes or other devices.

The second type of MRSA Infection is the Community acquired MRSA. This occurs within the community in healthy people. These infections begin as a simple blister or a boil and are spread by skin contact. People who live in crowded places like childcare workers are most at risk for Community Acquired MRSA Infection.

What are the Symptoms of MRSA Infection?

What are the Symptoms of MRSA Infection?

As stated, a MRSA Infection begins with a small blister or a boil in the skin which may be erythematous and painful. The affected area may become warm to touch. There may be development of pus or drainage from the lesion. It may also be accompanied by fever.

This in no time may turn into painful abscesses and the individual may end up requiring surgical drainage of the abscess. Sometimes, the bacteria may stay within the parameters of the skin but in some cases they also go deep into the body and cause potentially serious life threatening infections such as in the bones or other vital organs of the body.

How is MRSA Infection Treated?

How is MRSA Infection Treated?

Both types of MRSA Infection that is the healthcare associated or Community Acquired can be treated with certain antibiotics but the type of antibiotic that treats a particular condition need to be identified. In some cases, antibiotics may not even be needed to treat MRSA infection. Like for example an abscess caused by MRSA infection can be drained surgically rather than treat with medications. The treatment of MRSA infection once diagnosed involves the following:

  • Identification of the type of infection.
  • Location of the infection.
  • Severity of symptoms.
  • Identification of the specific antibiotic to which the bacteria is sensitive to.

For Treatment of MRSA Infection in the Skin and Soft Tissues May Include:

Drainage of pus from the lesion and the aspirated material is sent to analysis for identification of the bacteria and to identify the antibiotic to which the bacteria is sensitive to.

Antimicrobial therapy is also something that is quite effective in treating MRSA infection confined to the skin and soft tissues. The antibiotics most widely used for treatment of MRSA infection are:

  • Clindamycin
  • Doxycycline
  • Sulfamethoxazole
  • Rifampin.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 5, 2018

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