How Long Does Yeast Infection Last & How to Get Rid of It?

Statistics state that out of every 4 women, three of them are bound to experience at least a single yeast infection in their lifetime. Though quite unpleasant, such infections can be treated easily. Know how long does yeast infection last and how to get rid of it.

What is a Yeast Infection?

Small amounts of yeast are present in every woman’s vagina. However, the yeast, Candida albicans, exists peacefully along with other microorganisms in the vagina of a healthy woman. However, when there is an imbalance, it allows the yeast to multiply rapidly causing a massive infection in the concerned area. People are often worried about how long does the yeast infection last and try to find ways to get rid of it.

How Long Does Yeast Infection Last?

How Long Does Yeast Infection Last?

In almost all the cases, yeast infections do not go away by itself. Without treatment, yeast infection lasts forever especially since the Candida fungus slowly makes its way into the woman’s skin and feeds on the body cells slowly and steadily. The longer you let the fungus be, the deeper it becomes and also more difficult to cure. The yeast infection may then last longer.

The common signs and symptoms of a yeast infection include excessive vaginal irritation and itching which is almost always accompanied by a discharge which is white in color and thick in consistency. Some women also experience a burning sensation during intercourse or while urinating.

The treatment method used has an impact on how long does yeast infection last. Most over-the-counter medicines and prescription antifungal take around 7 days to cure the yeast infection thoroughly though sometimes it might take around 2 weeks to heal.

If you have a mild yeast infection, it might get resolved during your menstrual cycle and soon thereafter. The reason behind it is that the yeast cells are present in the vaginal lining which automatically gets flushed out during menstruation. Also, the body experiences a drop in estrogen during periods and since it acts as a catalyst for such infections, you may notice that the symptoms associated with it begin to reduce and disappear during that time.

How long the yeast infection lasts also varies on the type of treatment. However, even if you plan to use home or natural remedies to get rid of yeast infection, it will take about the same number of days as the conventional drugs.

If your yeast infection lasts even after taking home treatment, then it is imperative for you to go see your doctor at the earliest. It would be necessary to determine if there are any other health issues like hormonal imbalance or diabetes which causes the yeast infection to not heal or become recurrent in nature.

The major causes of yeast infection are as follows:

  1. One of the major causes of yeast infection in many cases is antibiotics. Antibiotics are powerful enough to destroy the bacterial vagina thereby causing an imbalance in the microorganisms and then yeast infection.
  2. Hormone levels also play a major role in causing yeast infection. If a woman uses hormonal contraceptives be it just before her menstrual cycle or during pregnancy, the chances of getting a yeast infection increases tremendously.
  3. A woman whose immune system is very weak can also fall prey to yeast infections quite easily. Illnesses such as AIDS, cancer or diabetes weaken the immune system thereby causing a rapid growth of yeast in the vagina.
  4. Other factors such as too much alcohol and refined sugar consumption or lack of sleep can also weaken the immune system thereby causing yeast infections.

These cause too play an important role in deciding how long yeast infection lasts.

How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection?

Here are some of the best ways to get rid of a yeast infection easily:

Over-The-Counter Medicines

Since most yeast infections are not severe and can be treated with the right medicines, a great way to get rid of yeast infection is by using OTC or over-the-counter antifungal suppositories and creams. Such creams might also contain boric acid in it which works as an antiseptic. However, if you are pregnant and suffering from yeast infection, you must avoid using any OTC which contains boric acid.

Home Remedies

One of the best home remedies to get rid of yeast infection is to soak yourself in an apple cider vinegar bath. The vinegar helps restore the vagina’s normal acidity level there getting rid of yeast infection. Make warm bath water and add two big cups of this vinegar to it. Soak in it for 15 to 20 minutes twice every day to get positive results in 2 to 3 days time.

Another useful home remedy to get rid of yeast infection is to apply plain yogurt to the infected area as this helps reduce irritation and also restore balance. Take around 3 tablespoons of yogurt in your hands and rub on the vaginal area twice every day. Use coconut oil as an alternative home remedy if you do not have yogurt at home.

Also wear loose-fitting undergarments and reduce caffeine and sugar intake as all this increases the infection by a large extent. Drink pure cranberry juice (not the canner or preserved one) every day when suffering from yeast infection. Cranberry juice helps treat all types of urinary tract infections as well as yeast infections effectively. All these home remedies to get rid of yeast infection are absolutely safe for all women.

Prescription Drugs

If yeast infection is chronic in nature, the doctor might recommend prescription boric acid which will be available only in pharmacies. You will have to insert the capsule into your vagina every night for 2 weeks and this will work as an anti-inflammatory agent as well as an antiseptic one.


Yeast infection should never be left untreated for long as the bacteria starts to multiply and might give rise to other complications in the future. How long does yeast infection last depends on how early you begin the treatment. Ideally, it would take about a week or two to recover. Home remedies to get rid of yeast infection is sure to help you but if they don’t medical advice is necessary.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 6, 2017

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