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What Happens To Untreated Norovirus Infection & When To Go To Doctor?

If you or a family member haven’t been infected with norovirus still for this season, regard yourself blessed since norovirus, otherwise known as “stomach flu” is going all over, and the situation is not encouraging.

The typical symptoms of norovirus are vomiting and diarrhea. Diarrhea, stomach-ache, and nausea normally start 12 to 48 hours after exposure. This virus arises most often in closed and congested conditions such as clinics, nursing homes, childcare facilities, educational institutions and transports.

What Happens When Norovirus Infection Is Left Untreated?

What Happens When Norovirus Infection Is Left Untreated?

Norovirus infection occurs at irregular intervals or in outbreaks and typically gets resolved within a couple of days or three. Most individuals don’t have any enduring complications from the infection. Apparently, there are no defined medications or therapies to treat this infection however it is often crucial to stay hydrated during the recovery period.

In the worst-case scenario, patients are advised for medications and antibiotics to stop severe vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydrated patients may require fluids with electrolytes to help improve the condition and to avoid further challenges.

For most individuals, norovirus disease disappears within a few days and isn’t endangering. Nevertheless, for patients with limited immunity norovirus infection can cause serious dehydration, malnourishment and turn fatal.

Constant diarrhea and nausea can result in acute stomach distress, abdominal spasms, loss of appetite, and dehydration. In small kids, loose stool and nausea can lead to an electrolyte disparity, which is very risky and can eventually result in death if left untreated.(2,3)

When To Seek Medical Attention For Norovirus Infection?

You can get infected with this ailment more than once since the infection is constantly altering, so your body is incapable to develop a lasting immunity towards it. The infected patients shall remain to get rid of the infection in their feces for up to two weeks after recuperation.

Viral casting may persist for numerous weeks to a number of months provided they are experiencing some life-threatening disorders such as diabetes, cancer or cardiac challenges. When you should seek medical attention?

When your symptoms don’t go away after two or three days, you may require a doctor’s attention. In exceptional instances, your vomiting could indicate somewhat more dangerous than norovirus.

In some cases, patients don’t show up any signs or indications of the virus but still, you would continue to be contagious and can spread infections. When your symptoms don’t go away after a certain period and persist with severe complications then you should seek immediate medical attention.

In patients who are experiencing bloody stools or traces of blood particles during vomiting with abdominal pain or dehydration should consider seeking advice from your health care provider.

If you are pregnant and get norovirus, to help prevent the virus, contact your doctor immediately to seek advice. Although there is no risk to the unborn child, however, it can be painful and causes severe discomfort during the gestation period.(4,5)

Symptoms And Causes Of Norovirus

Norovirus causes diarrhea and vomiting and is one of the most common stomach bugs in colder countries. Scientists consider norovirus is accountable for nearly 50% of all gastroenteritis epidemics in the United States and roughly 90% of outbreak nonbacterial gastroenteritis epidemics universal. The infection is transmitted from individual to individual, by infected cooking and water, and by interaction with infected substances.

The infection affects both kids and grown-ups, and individuals with restrained invulnerable function, the aged, or individuals with severe health disorders have an increased probability of having impediments from the virus. Norovirus can be extremely nasty, but it generally gets resolved by itself in a brief period.(1)


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 27, 2019

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