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7 Effective Exercises For Cavus Foot

Cavus foot is a condition in which the arches of the foot are very high. This may cause some undesirable symptoms including pain and difficulty in walking. In some cases, cavus foot can also result in permanent damage to the foot.1 Exercises for cavus foot can help reduce pain and control the symptoms to a great extent.

While flat feet are very common some people also experience high-arched foot or cavus foot. There are various causes of cavus foot, which may include congenital defects, neuromuscular problems, or developmental issues. Owing to such muscle or nerve disease, children may have weak muscles and the imbalance may eventually affect their foot and gait. Cavus foot gradually develops cavus foot during the initial 10 years of life.2

Some of the common symptoms of cavus foot include bent toes, calluses on heels, sides and balls of the feet, flexed claws, difficulty or pain when walking or standing, tendency to fall easily, or sprained ankles. Many people also experience plantar fasciitis due to the inflammation of the ligament connecting the toes with the heels, which results in heel pain. Cavus foot is diagnosed by clinical examination and relevant scans.

7 Effective Exercises For Cavus Foot

People having milder symptoms due to cavus foot are usually treated conservatively and exercises for cavus foot are one of the best approaches. In some cases, the orthosis may be advised to reduce pain and instability to correct the deformity.3

Exercises for cavus foot may be planned during physical therapy by a trained expert. Some stretching and strengthening exercises can help slightly raise the heel. Experts believe that ankle instability can be treated with proprioception training and wearing an ankle support brace during exercise is advised for some.3

The main areas which the exercises for cavus foot aim at improving include the pain in the foot, heel pain, and ankle strain and to help relieve the discomfort caused by the foot and toe deformities.

Some of the most effective exercises for cavus foot are given here.

  1. Hip Stretch – Sit with your legs stretched out in the front. Bend your knee and place your toes on the knee of the other leg to make a figure of the number 4 with your legs. Gently place your hand on the bent knee and press a little to feel the stretch in the hips and the thighs. This helps loosen the tight muscles of the hips and the legs.
  2. Calf Stretch – Sit with your legs stretched out in the front. Bring your toes towards you to stretch the calf. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then release. Repeat this 10 times and for both legs.
  3. Ankle Rotations – Sit with your legs stretched out in the front. Move your ankles up, down, right, and left and then rotate them in the clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Perform these movements 10 times with both legs.
  4. Towel Stretch – Sit with your legs stretched out in the front. Place a towel around the ball of your foot with one hand and hold the other end with the other hand to form a towel loop. You can also use a resistance band for the same. Flex your toes and gently pull the towel or band towards you to stretch the toes. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then release. Repeat this 10 times.
  5. Toe Squeeze – Place your finger between each of the toes one after the other. When you place a finger, try to squeeze it with the toes as tightly as possible. Hold the squeeze for 10 seconds and then repeat the same with the other toes.
  6. Towel Curl – Sit on a chair and place your feet on one end of a slightly thick small towel or a napkin on the floor. Keep curling your toes to bring the towel closer to you until the other end of the towel is curled by your toes. Repeat this with both legs 10 times.
  7. Marble Pick Up – Place 10 marbles on the floor and a small bucket next to it. Stand straight and with the help of your toes try to pick up a marble, and put it in the bucket one by one until all the marbles are over. Repeat this with both legs.

These exercises for cavus foot help to stretch and strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the foot and the ankle and improve stability and flexibility. This helps to develop better balance, and reduce pain.


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 17, 2022

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