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Midfoot Dislocation: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Home Remedies, Recovery Period

About Midfoot Dislocation

Each of our feet is constructed of 26 bones and 33 joints. Any of these bone joints can be dislocated due to a number of reasons and when that happens, one will experience severe pain. One of the most injury prone sections of the foot is the midfoot, which is the middle part of the foot. This part comprises of 3 cuneiform, navicular and cuboid bones. This is the part, where all the tarsal bones are located. When any of the bones from this part of the foot is dislocated, it is known as midfoot dislocation.

Midfoot Dislocation

Causes of Midfoot Dislocation

Athletes or sportsmen and women often experience a common injury of the midfoot, which is dislocation of the bones of the middle foot. In most cases, the people who have to engage in activities and sports that require a twisting or “cutting” movement, experience this kind of middle foot bone dislocation.

Along with sports or athletic movements, the other causes for a dislocation of the midfoot bones are:

  • Bad landing while jumping or running
  • A fall
  • A stumble
  • A crushing injury.

In short, it can be said that any movement that leads to a twist in this region, may cause the dislocation of one or more midfoot bones.

Symptoms of Midfoot Dislocation

The common signs and symptoms of midfoot dislocation are:

  • Severe pain in the foot, especially felt when trying to walk or stand
  • Swelling in the foot due to damage in the tissue
  • Abnormal widening of the foot
  • Bruise in the foot, from top to bottom.

Often, these symptoms are confused to be the symptoms of sprain and misdiagnosis leads to delay in the treatment of midfoot dislocations.

Treatment for Midfoot Dislocation

When there is a dislocation of the midfoot bone, the first thing that is done is to admit the patient to the ER or emergency room of the hospital. The patient has to be brought in by an ambulance. In order to treat a dislocation of the foot, at first the patient is given an NSAID or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Also, X-ray tests will be done to check for the bone or the joint that has dislocated and that requires treatment.

The treatment for midfoot dislocations are follows as:


General anaesthesia or sedation is used on the patient. Then close reduction is performed on the patient. Depending on the X-ray results, the dislocated bone joint is identified. The doctor will then manipulate and reposition the dislocated joint.

Immobilization to Treat Midfoot Dislocation:

Now that the dislocated midfoot joint is replaced back into its position, it requires immobilization to make sure that it stays in the proper position, until it is properly healed. A cast is used to immobilize the joint and it also prevents the midfoot joint from dislocating again.

It must always be remembered that if you feel that your foot bone joints have been dislocated, you should not step on that injured foot. It is always very tempting to walk on the injured foot expecting that the injury is not as severe as it may sound or appear. However, this only worsens the condition.

Sometimes the midfoot dislocation happens along with fracture or other injuries like ligament tear or sprains. In that case, using a cast is not the proper solution. The condition has to be treated surgically.

Home Remedies for Midfoot Dislocation

In order to help the midfoot dislocation heal faster, some home remedies may be quite useful. These would include –

Elevate the Foot: Keeping the injured foot lifted and elevated is the best idea. Using a pillow to support the foot and elevate it to the level of the waist is what you should be looking for.

Ice Therapy: On the first day after the treatment, you should apply ice therapy on the midfoot using a bagful of ice cubes. This should be done for about 15 to 20 minutes every hour for an entire day for the first day of the treatment. Then, you can continue applying the ice therapy for 3 to 4 times a day. This will reduce the swelling and help in healing the injury faster.

Your doctor will be able to tell you about the home remedies that are most useful for you.

Recovery Period for Midfoot Dislocation

It typically takes 6 to 8 weeks for a midfoot joint dislocation to heal completely. However, depending on the number of midfoot joint dislocation or the associated injuries like sprains or ligament tears or fractures, it might take longer to heal. Following up with the doctor is always advised. The doctor will be able to tell you the time you need for recovery.


  1. Cleveland Clinic: Information on midfoot dislocations, including causes, symptoms, and treatment approaches.
    Source: Cleveland Clinic – Midfoot Dislocation

  2. OrthoBullets: Detailed article covering the causes, classification, and treatment of midfoot dislocations.
    Source: OrthoBullets – Midfoot Dislocations

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 19, 2023

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