Proper Shoes for Pes Cavus (High Arches) : Support, Comfort, and Foot Health

Proper Shoes for Pes Cavus (High Arches)

Pes cavus, also known as high arches, is a foot condition characterized by an exaggerated arch of the foot. Individuals with pes cavus require proper shoes that provide optimal support and comfort to alleviate discomfort, reduce the risk of injuries, and promote healthy foot alignment. In this article, we will discuss the importance of wearing appropriate footwear for individuals with pes cavus, highlighting key factors to consider when selecting shoes to support their unique needs.

  1. Stability and Cushioning:

    Proper shoes for pes cavus should offer excellent stability and cushioning to compensate for the higher arches. Look for shoes with a firm heel counter and ample cushioning in the midsole. This combination helps absorb shock, reduce impact on the feet, and distribute pressure more evenly, minimizing discomfort and potential injuries.

  2. Arch Support:

    Individuals with pes cavus often lack sufficient natural arch support. Therefore, it is crucial to choose shoes with proper arch support. Look for shoes that provide adequate arch contour or consider using orthotic inserts designed specifically for high arches. Proper arch support helps maintain healthy foot alignment, reduces strain on the ligaments, and promotes overall foot stability.

  3. Extra Depth and Wide Toe Box:

    Pes cavus can be accompanied by foot deformities or clawed toes. Shoes with extra depth and a wide toe box accommodate these foot irregularities, preventing discomfort and allowing toes to splay naturally. The extra room also helps alleviate pressure on the forefoot, reducing the risk of developing painful conditions such as metatarsalgia or corns.

  4. Ankle Support:

    Pes cavus can affect ankle stability due to the higher arches. Look for shoes that offer adequate ankle support, such as those with higher collars or ankle straps. Ankle support helps prevent excessive ankle pronation or supination, reducing the risk of ankle sprains and enhancing overall stability during walking or physical activities.

  5. Lightweight and Flexible Materials:

    Choosing shoes made from lightweight and flexible materials is important for individuals with pes cavus. These materials allow for natural foot movement, preventing unnecessary restrictions and reducing fatigue. Avoid shoes that are too rigid or heavy, as they can exacerbate discomfort and hinder proper foot function.

  6. Professional Fitting:

    Consult with a knowledgeable footwear specialist or a podiatrist to ensure proper fitting of shoes for pes cavus. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on your specific foot structure and needs. Professional fitting ensures that the shoes accommodate the unique characteristics of your high arches and provide the necessary support and comfort.


Wearing proper shoes is crucial for individuals with pes cavus to maintain foot health, alleviate discomfort, and reduce the risk of injuries. Focus on stability, cushioning, arch support, extra depth, wide toe box, ankle support, and lightweight materials when selecting shoes. Remember to seek professional advice for fitting and consider using orthotic inserts if necessary. By prioritizing appropriate footwear, individuals with pes cavus can enhance their overall foot comfort, stability, and quality of life.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 20, 2023

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