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Inner Knee Pain : Causes & Treatment

About Inner Knee Pain

Experiencing knee pain has become very common nowadays, with people constantly running around from one place to the other and living stressful lives. However, persisting knee pain can also be a symptom of some knee injuries or conditions, especially if the pain is in the inside of the knee. The inside of the knee is known as the medial compartment or the medial knee. It is the area that is the closest to your other knee. Inner knee pain usually happens because of damage or deterioration of the cartilage, or it can also occur after a sports injury or some type of trauma to the knee. Since the knee is one of the largest and the most complex joints in the body, it is easily injured. Here are some of the common causes of inner knee pain and what you can do about it.

What are the Causes of Inner Knee Pain?

There can be numerous causes of inner knee pain. While many of them can be due to an injury or trauma, some of the reasons can also be due to an underlying health condition. Some of the most common incidents that can cause knee injuries and inner knee pain include sports injuries falls, or increased activity that overexerts the knee joint.

Older adults who are over the age of 60 are most at risk of experiencing knee injuries and knee pain. However, even children and adolescents can experience inner knee pain. According to research by the American Academy of Family Physicians, the most common causes of inner knee pain in children include:(1)

Let us take a look at the most common causes of inner knee pain.

  1. Osteoarthritis

    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a type of degenerative tissue disease that causes the breakdown of the cartilage. This causes the bones in the joints to grind against each other, which leads to damage and erosion of the bones. If you experience inner knee pain when you put pressure on your knee joint, such as when climbing up and down the stairs, walking, or sitting down, you might have osteoarthritis. Since putting pressure on the knee causes the pain, it is likely that your pain tends to worsen as the day progresses.(9, 10, 11)

  2. Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a type of autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system starts to mistakenly attack the joints of the body, thinking of them to be foreign invaders. RA is also a known cause of inner knee pain. This condition causes inflammation of the joints, which is why people with RA tend to experience worse inner knee pain in the morning, and the symptoms slowly get better during the day.(12, 13, 14)

  3. Medial Meniscus Injury

    The meniscus is an important cartilage that provides cushioning between the bones in a joint. There are two menisci present in each knee, and they serve as cushions between the shin and thigh bones. It is possible for the meniscus to get damaged or torn if the knee is rotated unnaturally or put under a lot of strain or pressure, which commonly happens during athletic or sports activities. It can also happen if you twist your ankle or have a bad fall.(15, 16)

    Typically, there are four major types of meniscus tears. These include:

    • Radial
    • Flap
    • Bucket handle
    • Degenerative

    Depending on how severe your injury is, aside from inner knee pain, you may also experience the following symptoms:

    • Locking knees
    • Stiffness
    • A sharp pain if you twist your knee
    • A sense of imbalance
  4. Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury

    The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is located along the outside of your inner knee. This ligament is responsible for providing stability to the knee joint. If this ligament overstretches, you may develop an MCL sprain. Similar to the meniscus, the MCL can also tear fully or partially. In fact, an MCL injury is the most common type of injury experienced once force is applied to the outer knee, such as what happens in contact sports.(18, 19, 20)

    Some of the common symptoms of an MCL injury are as follows:

    • Inner knee pain
    • Locking knees
    • Swelling
    • Hearing a popping sound at the time of the impact
    • Instability or loss of balance while walking or standing
  5. Knee Contusion

    If you experience a direct blow to the knee, such as falling hard or getting hit by a blunt object directly on the knee, there is a possibility of bruising the knee bone. This is known as a knee contusion.(21, 22)

    A knee contusion could be a cause of inner knee pain, depending on where exactly you got hit. A knee contusion is also quite common in those who play contact sports.(23) Some of the other signs and symptoms of knee contusions are as follows:

    • Signs of bruising on the skin
    • Trouble bending the knee
    • Stiffness
    • Swelling

How is Inner Knee Pain Treated?

Knee injuries are pretty common, and some of them can be easily resolved at home. However, if your symptoms and pain continue to persist for over three days, it could be possible that you have a more serious injury and need to show it to a doctor. Doctors may recommend some more treatment methods depending on the exact cause of your pain.

Minor inner knee pain can be treated at home following the RICE method, which consists of rest, ice, compression, and elevation. You can also take pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil) to relieve the swelling and pain.

If there is no relief in your pain after three days despite the home remedies, it is better to consult a doctor.

If the inner knee pain gets worse after three to four days, or if the at-home remedies do not relieve your symptoms, some of the other treatments that a doctor may recommend for serious knee injuries include:

  • Physical therapy that involves exercises, stretching, and ultrasound therapy.
  • Steroid injections
  • Wearing assistive devices like a knee brace during your day-to-day activities.
  • Arthroscopic surgery of the knee if there is a meniscus tear.(24, 25)

While not all the causes of inner knee pain can be prevented, it is always a good idea to regularly exercise to strengthen your leg muscles, especially the hamstrings and quadriceps. This is one of the most effective ways to treat and prevent knee injuries. By being careful, providing rest to the knee, and consulting a doctor if the pain continues to persist, you can avoid the pain and injury from getting worse.


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 7, 2022

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