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Does Mayo Have Dairy & Can You Eat Mayonnaise If You Are Lactose Intolerant?

Dairy products are defined as food products that are produced from milk. Milk is rich in energy. A production plant for processing dairy products is called a dairy or dairy factory. Raw milk for processing usually comes from cows, but milk from other mammals are also used as raw milk and for processing other dairy products such as milk from goats, sheep and water buffalo.

There are various types of milk such as whole milk, skim milk, buttermilk, condensed milk. There are various products that are made from milk such as yogurt, cheese (Swiss cheese, cheddar cheese, and cottage cheese), butter, curd and ice cream. These are the dairy products.

Does Mayo Have Dairy?

Does Mayo Have Dairy?

Mayonnaise is informally known as mayo, is a thick cold sauce or dressing generally used in composed salads and sandwiches. The main ingredients in mayonnaise are eggs, oil, vinegar, lemon juice and water. Even though egg sounds like it’s a product of dairy, but it is not a dairy product. Mayonnaise looks like it contains milk with it being white and creamy, also it should be refrigerate after opening so you must be thinking that mayonnaise has dairy. Actually it does not contain any dairy products. The reason for it being white is because it’s whipped. Mayonnaise is basically egg and oil there is no milk in it.

Just To Be Sure Let Us Check What The Ingredients In Some Common Mayonnaise Products Are:


Real Mayonnaise –Water, eggs, Soybean oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, concentrated lemon juice, and natural flavors.

Light Mayonnaise – Water, food starch, soybean oil, eggs, salt, sugar, vinegar, concentrated lemon juice, natural flavors, and vitamin E.


Regular Mayonnaise –Water, Eggs, Soybean Oil, and Vinegar, has below 2% salt, sugar, Egg Yolk, concentrated Lemon Juice, and Natural Flavors along with Dried Garlic and Onions.

Mayonnaise Light –Soybean Oil, Water, a component not normally found in this product called Modified Food Starch, Sugar, Vinegar, Natural Flavors, Eggs, dried onions and garlic. Beta Carotene is also an important ingredient of this product.

Heinz Mayonnaise

This contains Water, Egg Yolk, Rapeseed Oil, Sugar, Starch, Salt, and Spices

Now you see that mayonnaise does not contain any dairy products. Although some mayonnaise products may contain cream to add flavor, so you need to really look into the list of ingredients before you buy it if you are lactose intolerant. Also remember lactic acid which is an ingredient in some products of mayonnaise, is not actually lactose even though its sounds like lactose.

Can You Eat Mayonnaise If You Are Lactose Intolerant?

You can eat mayonnaise if you have lactose intolerance, as it does not contain any dairy products. However just to be sure, it is always safe to check the ingredients before buying any mayonnaise product.

Mayonnaise does not contain lactose and you can have mayonnaise even if you are lactose intolerant. The main ingredients in mayonnaise are oil, vinegar, eggs, lemon juice, and water. Eggs are not a dairy product. Lactic acid which is an ingredient in some mayonnaise products is not lactose. Some mayonnaise may contain cream to add flavor.

Sometimes the lactose found in some food products won’t be listed separately on the food label, so you really need to look into the list of ingredients for milk, curds, whey and the milk products such as cheese, butter and cream. Make sure you always check the list of ingredients to be lactose free before you buy any food product if you are lactose intolerant.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 4, 2023

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