Lifestyle changes play a major role in managing the symptoms of myofascial pain. The medicines and other invasive treatment may prevent the pain up to a level and to get comprehensive treatment, the patient should also change his lifestyle.
Lifestyle Changes For Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Exercise. Almost in every treatment regimen decided for myofascial pain management, exercise essentially appears. Exercise is an important management option for the pain and stiffness of muscles due to myofascial pain syndrome.1 It is to be noted that exercise should be done as per the directions of physiotherapist otherwise, it may worsen the symptoms. Water exercises are fine due to their low impact while foam roller exercises help in loosening the stiffeness.
Meditation. Power of the mind is so crucial in managing the symptoms of myofascial pain.2 Various techniques used to improve mental health include relaxation, imagery, hypnosis, biofeedback, and meditation. As the brain is also involved in the progression of pain, mentally fit patients are more capable of managing the pain. Further, not only the pain of the patient is managed through these techniques rather emotional stressors such as anxiety and depression are also kept under control.
Diet. Myofascial pain syndrome is generally found in people who are physically inactive or are obese.3 Thus, the diet should be such that it should not increase the weight of the patient. Reducing weight has a positive effect on myofascial symptoms. Diet should contain nutritive foods and should have an optimum quantity of antioxidants. Further, food with inflammatory property should be avoided. Most of the doctors recommend a vegetarian diet for such patients.
Recharge Yourself. Patient should recharge himself by drinking nutritive drinks and with a healthy diet. A common symptom of myofascial pain syndrome is fatigue and that can only be managed by supplying energy to the body and recharging the body.
Socialize. Friends and family members play an important role in keeping the patient happy by adjusting themselves according to the patient’s lifestyle. Chronic pain and reduced mobility have a negative impact on the patient and gradually he starts living in isolation. This further worsens the situation. The family should support the patient with healthy food, sound sleep and should maintain a healthy relationship.
Dietary Supplementation. It has been seen that deficiency of various vitamins and minerals lead to myofascial disease. Supplementing the body with these substances helps to relieve the symptoms. Omega 3 fatty acids are the dietary supplements used to reduce pain and improve mental health. Vitamin D deficiency causes musculoskeletal pain, thus adding it to the diet helps to relieve pain. Other dietary supplements include magnesium, calcium and S-adenosyl methionine.
Managing Chronic Diseases. Poorly managed chronic diseases are also a risk factor in the development of myofascial pain syndrome. These diseases include cardiovascular diseases. Thus, these diseases should be properly managed either through medication or through lifestyle changes or through the combination of both.
Avoid Trigger Point Activation. The patient should take care of avoiding the activities that activate the trigger point. Myofascial pain syndrome is also caused by repetitive muscular action. Thus, any work requiring repetitive muscle movement should be avoided.
Sound Sleep. Apart from taking the healthy diet, health drinks, and nutritional supplements, sound sleep is also a prerequisite to get relieved from fatigue and recharging the body. The patient should maintain a proper sleeping schedule to get relieved from fatigue.
Hobbies. Patient should indulge in his favorite activities. These activities should help in diverting the attention from pain and disease.
Proper Posture. Poor posture is also a risk factor for activating the trigger factor. Thus, the patient should maintain a proper sitting as well as sleeping posture.
Various lifestyle changes help in managing the symptoms of the disease. These lifestyle changes include exercise, healthy diet, dietary supplementation, meditation, sound sleep, proper posture and avoiding the activation of trigger points.
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