What May be Causing You to Keep Dropping Things?

It might be that of late you might have observed that you may be dropping things from your hands for no reason at all. The objects being dropped by you may range from a light item like a spoon to a glass or even a plate. In other words, you may be dropping things that are quite light and easy to handle. For example, you may be holding a fork and it might just slip from your hand without you knowing it and holding on to a coffee mug becomes ararduous task for you. If you continue to drop things and you cannot find a reason for it then it might be a matter of concern.

Coming to the reasons as to why you keep dropping things, then there are numerous causes some of which may be benign while some may be quite serious and require medical attention. There are certain degenerative conditions which might also cause you to drop things. So, the best way to find out is to consult with a physician as to why you are dropping things but in this article we will highlight some of the common reasons and medical conditions that may be causing you to keep dropping things.

What May be Causing You to Keep Dropping Things?

What May be Causing You to Keep Dropping Things?

Mentioned below are some of the reasons or causes as to why you may be dropping things:

Medical Conditions That Can Cause You to Keep Dropping Things

There are certain medical conditions which may cause you to drop things from your hands. Most of these conditions are degenerative in nature and get worse with time. They tend to weaken the hand muscles to such an extent that it becomes difficult to grip or grasp items resulting in you dropping things from your hands.

Multiple Sclerosis:

It is one such condition which may cause you to drop things from the hands as it affects the motor coordination of the muscles.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS:

This is another such degenerative condition which may cause you to drop things from the hands. Dropping things are the first sign and symptom of these conditions. Hence if you feel that you are at risk of having any of these conditions or if you have a family history of it then it is always better to get checked out with a skilled neurologist to rule out this condition.


Another medical condition which may cause you to drop things from the hand is arthritis. This is also a condition which affects the bones and joints of the body. This is usually seen in people who are more than 60 years of age and results due to normal wear and tear of the body.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

CTS is medical condition which may cause you to drop things from the hands. This is a condition in which the median nerve at the wrist gets compressed resulting in numbness and tingling in the hands. This is usually caused by repetitive movements of the wrists like typing for prolonged periods of time. Due to this numbness and weakness of the wrist joint you start dropping things from the hands.


This is yet another medical condition that may result in you dropping things from the hands. This is a condition which causes generalized muscle pain throughout the body and weakness of the wrist and hands which results in you dropping things from the hands.


Infarction or stroke can make you disabled on one side of the body and also make you lose your motor skills which in turn may result in you dropping things from the hands.

Some of the other conditions that may cause you to drop things from the hands are:

Other Factors That Can Cause You to Keep Dropping Things Include:

Dropping Things Linked to Medications. There are also certain medications that result in you dropping things from the hands. These medications are:

  • Thalidomide
  • Thalomid
  • Dymelor
  • Chlorprodamide
  • Certain psychiatric drugs.

Stress and Anxiety:

Stress and anxiety is one of the most common causes of you having butterfingers or you are dropping things. If you are stressed either at work or at home taking care of kids or ailing elders then it may burn you out. This ultimately results in anxiety which causes a lot of distraction in your mind due to the stress of the various things going around you. This makes you lose your attention to the task at hand and may lead to things dropping from the hands unknowingly.

Steps to Deal with Stress and Anxiety:

Hence if you deal with your stress and anxiety successfully then you may stop dropping things from the hand. The best way to deal with stress is to take some time out and forget your worries. Yoga is another way to get rid of stress and anxiety. It gives you a sense of calmness. Meditation is another way of dealing with stress and anxiety. If still you are not able to be relaxed, then visiting a psychological counselor can do a lot of good in keeping your nerves calm and prevent you from dropping things from the hands.

Lack of Sleep and Fatigue:

This may be yet another common cause for you to keep dropping things from hands. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue and disorientation and force your body to not respond to your calls the way it should which results in you dropping things from the hands. Hence it is a good idea to stop working and take a break when the body feels fatigued. You may listen to some good music on your phone or iPod, freshen up and then start with work again.

Ways to Deal with Lack of Sleep and Fatigue:

Once you are through with your work just go home and relax. You do not need to think about anything regarding today’s work or tomorrow’s schedule. Try and watch some television and go to bed on time. Try and eat a light dinner and abstain from any caffeinated beverages at nighttime. If you have a restful sleep at night, you will wake up fresh in the morning and the body will be relaxed and will listen to your commands appropriately and it won’t be long before you stop dropping things from your hands.

In summary, if you find yourself dropping things from the hands consistently then it may either indicate that you may be overworking, stressed out and fatigued. It may also indicate the presence of an underlying medical condition which may range from a common condition like a carpal tunnel syndrome to as complex as a stroke or a neurodegenerative condition like multiple sclerosis or ALS. Thus, it is recommended that you consult a physician and speak to him or her in great detail about your symptoms to try to find a solution and rule in or out medical conditions that may be resulting in you dropping things from the hands.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 10, 2018

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