Levitra Vs Viagra : Differences Worth Knowing

There are some specific differences between the two medications. Let us read the following description and know about the differences between Levitra and Viagra.

Levitra Vs Viagra. Basic Differences

Levitra Vs Viagra. Basic Differences

Levitra and Viagra are quite similar. Levitra contains vardenafil and Viagra contains sildenafil, and both of these medicines improve the flow of blood to the penis. It must be noted that both these medications are effective for 4 hours and are required to be taken about 1 hour before having sex.

Levitra Vs Viagra. Differences Based On How They Work

There are similarities between Levitra and Viagra, based on how they work. Levitra is the medication that inhibits an enzyme known as PDE-5 or Phosphodiesterase type 5, making the muscles in penis relax and allow the blood flow, resulting in an erection. The same thing happens with Viagra too.

Levitra Vs Viagra. Differences Based On How Fast They Work.

Levitra. The label over the Levitra medication tells that the medicine should be taken 60 minutes before sex. However studies have shown that Levitra can work even faster.

Viagra. In case of Viagra, users are usually recommended to take the medication at least 30 minutes to 60 minutes before having sex.

Levitra Vs Viagra. Differences Based On Their Appearance

Levitra. Levitra is flame-orange in color and these tablets are round in shape.

Viagra. Viagra medicines are blue in color, film-coated and have shape of elongated diamonds having rounded corners. “Pfizer” is engraved on one side of the Viagra medicine and on the other side, “VGR” and a dosage amount is printed; for example, VGR100 for 100 mg.

Levitra Vs Viagra. Differences Based On Their Effectiveness

Levitra Vs Viagra. Differences Based On The Dosage

Levitra. There are some differences between Levitra and Viagra based on the dosage. Initially Levitra must be taken at a dose of 10 mg, to be taken not more than once in a day, before 30 minutes of sexual activity. However, the dosages of Levitra pills are adjusted depending on an individual’s reaction. Usually doctors decrease doses to 2.5 mg or increase them to not more than 20 mg once in a day.

Viagra. The initial dosage of Viagra for most of the patients is 50 mg to be taken 60 minutes before having sex. However, an individual can take the medicine 30 minutes before even. The initial dose of 50 mg Viagra must not be taken more than once in a day, and the Viagra dose can be adjusted later depending on the patient’s responsiveness to the pill. The Viagra doses can be reduced to 25 mg or can be increased to as much as 100 mg per day.

Contraindications. It must be mentioned that both Levitra and Viagra need sexual stimulation for proper effectiveness. Although both Levitra and Viagra can be taken with or without food; however, one must avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, and also greasy or fat rich foods, when taking Levitra and Viagra.

Levitra Vs Viagra. Differences Based On Side Effects

Levitra Side Effects. There might be some side effects of taking Levitra, which include facial flushing or reddening of the face, flu-like symptoms, nausea, stomach upset, and diarrhea. Levitra may also cause low blood pressure, chest pain, blurred vision and changes in the color vision, along with painful erection and abnormal ejaculation.

Viagra Side Effects. Side effects of taking Viagra include facial flushing, stomach pain, headaches, nasal congestion, diarrhea, nausea, and an inability to differentiate between the colors blue and green.

Levitra Vs Viagra. Other Differences

Levitra has a half-life of 4 hours to 5 hours, while Viagra has a half-life of 4 hours. One more difference is that in case of Levitra, its generic form is not available, while the generic form of Viagra is available.


Though we talked about the differences between Levitra and Viagra and got to know more about the two medications, it is always essential to consult with your doctor before taking these medicines and also get your condition properly tested and treated so as to keep away from severe complications of both Levitra as well as Viagra.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:October 16, 2019

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