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Best Exercises/Activities For Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional defiant disorder or ODD is a term used for a childhood mental health disorder, which showcases an utter difficulty in controlling emotions on a child or teen’s part.

The child with the oppositional defiant disorder is enraged or irritable, rebellious and defying, confrontational and vindictive often than the child of that age should be.(1,2)

Best Exercises/Activities For Oppositional Defiant Disorder

  • Exercises like social skills training, anger management, conflict resolution, getting along with others, problem-solving exercises can help children with the oppositional defiant disorder.
  • Individual psychotherapy can also help in teaching ODD children the appropriate behaviors.
  • There may also be a need for parents to get involved in these psychotherapy exercises and teaching these behaviors to their children.
  • Boundary exercises, listening exercises, physical exercises for releasing the pent-up energy, anger or hostility, etc. may make this exercise routine.
  • Parents also need to engage themselves in some stress release and relaxation exercises, as dealing with an oppositional defiant disorderchild can be quite stressful, frustrating and demanding for the complete family.(2)

Exercises From Which Children Can Benefit From Oppositional Defiant Disorder –

  • Children with this condition may benefit from some special exercises. Keeping a diary of their emotions and triggers that lead to their behavior, can help in identifying the triggers.
  • Visualization exercises may be used to boost self-awareness. These exercises may also help kids to identify their basic emotions.
  • Children may also be asked to form an alternative opinion about the behavior of adults or other authorities, instead of thinking about them negatively.
  • Some relaxation techniques and deep breathing exercises may also help in alleviating the stress caused due to this disorder(2)

Exercises From Which Parents Of An Oppositional Defiant Disorder Child Can Benefit-

  • Parents can benefit from exercises targeted at stress relief and relaxation.
  • Dealing with a child with oppositional defiant disorder can be quite demanding, stressful and frustrating. Parents of such kids can benefit from numerous relaxation techniques.
  • Some visualization exercises may also help, like visualizing a pleasant memory with your child as clearly as possible. This exercise can especially help when you are experiencing negative behavior from your child and can also help in presenting a better perspective in front of you.(2)

Some Other Home Remedies To Treat Oppositional Defiant Disorder –

Other home remedies can be implemented along with exercises, to ensure better treatment for oppositional defiant disorder. These may include-

  • Identifying and applauding your child’s positive or good behaviors
  • You following the behavior that you want your child to follow in society
  • Choosing your battles wisely and not getting into unnecessary power struggles
  • Setting the limits for your child by giving simple, easy to follow and precise instructions and also enforcing reasonable consequences otherwise.
  • Keeping consistency in discipline
  • Setting up a routine that is consistent and easy to follow for your child. Taking the help of your child in chalking out the routine.
  • Spending some time together, at least once a week, to ensure an improved relationship between you and your child
  • Working together in the family as a team. Taking help of teachers, caretakers, overseers if required
  • Assigning a household task that is important and won’t be otherwise completed without your child. Giving clear, precise instructions for the same
  • Being patient, persistent and ready for the challenges that you might face in the early days, as your child won’t be very approving of the changes in his life.(3)


Oppositional defiant disorder is a term for a childhood mental health disorder, which showcases a difficulty in controlling emotions. Children with oppositional defiant disorder incline to be bothering and aggressive towards others. The treatment of oppositional defiant disorder depends upon various factors like the age of the child, the severity of the condition and the co-existence of other mental health disorders like ADHD, along with oppositional defiant disorder. The treatment approach for oppositional defiant disorder is multifaceted and may also involve exercises of different kinds to ensure a better recovery from this disorder.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 2, 2020

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