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What Is The Prognosis For Oppositional Defiant Disorder & Lifestyle Changes For It?

Oppositional defiant disorder belongs to the category of behavioral disorder in children. Psychiatrists often diagnose the problem during one’s childhood. If your child is a patient of oppositional defiant disorder, he or she often shows uncooperative behavior, stays defiant and/or hostile towards parents, peers, teachers and many other authority figures. The problem of oppositional defiant disorder is common in boys rather than in girls. Children experiencing the mentioned problems may likely to suffer from oppositional defiant disorder –

Prognosis For Oppositional Defiant Disorder

If your child suffers from oppositional defiant disorder in its mild form, your child’s health becomes better as he or she grows old. Moreover, the treatment or therapy will prove to be effective if your child starts undergoing it at an early phase. In some of the cases, oppositional defiant disorder affected children may suffer from a severe type of behavioral disorder i.e. conduct disorder.(2)

Lifestyle Changes To Deal With Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Family members should use most of the techniques associated with behavioral therapy to bring improvement in the daily life of kids experiencing defiant behavior. These techniques are as follows-

Always Stay Positive: You should appreciate your kids and provide them positive reinforcement whenever he or she shows cooperation or flexibility in the behavior. You should recognize the small victories of your child with the highest possible enthusiasm.

Develop Expertise To Control You: You should take some time for a break in the case you are suspecting to cause conflict with your oppositional defiant disorder affected child and the result would be worse.

Choose The Battles Wisely: As a child suffering from oppositional defiant disorder faces difficulty to avoid power struggles, you need to prioritize your demands to put on your kid.

Provide A Proper Routine For Your Child: You should keep in mind that bad behavior often escalates whenever your child gets unsupervised free time combined with unclear expectations. On the other side, if you prepare a daily routine, it lets your child stay aware of your expectations.

Position Certain Behavioral Issues To Resolve Problems: You should explain the child with oppositional defiant disorder properly that overlooking anything important like for instance an alarm clock never helps him or her to reach the school timely. Besides, you should ask whatever he or she should do to avoid tardy situations again.

Set Up The Limits To Enforce Their Consequences: You should set up reasonable limits according to the age of your child and enforce the related consequences consistently. You should strictly resist your child’s temptation to rescue him or her from any of the consequences occurring naturally.

Never Move Ahead Alone: You should never step ahead to deal with your oppositional defiant disorder suffered child alone. Rather, you should work to get support from your partner, your child’s coaches and teachers to interact with your kid. Other than this, you should approach local support groups and join parenting classes available for parents of special children.

Strictly Avoid Any Type Of Burnout: You should strictly avoid burnout and maintain the interests of your child in a special way to manage his/her behavior. Moreover, you should manage your stress with a relaxation technique and physical exercise, while adopting respite care wherever necessary.

Doctors may sometimes recommend certain supplements to bring improvement in various oppositional defiant disorder symptoms. You should make sure consulting with your doctor before trying any alternative treatment or therapy, such as-

    • Omega 3 Fatty Acids to deal with emotions and changing moods
    • Vitamin E supplements to absorb Omega 3s properly
    • Melatonin to neutralize the sleep patterns of your kid
    • Zinc supplements to neutralize various chemicals, which result in impulsivity and hyperactivity.(3)


To conclude, we should say that oppositional defiant disorder if remains in a mild form, it cures with time. However, parents and teachers/guides of affected children should work as a team to conduct therapies and treatment time to avoid further complications.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 2, 2020

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