Do you have a loose tooth that is worrying you? It can really be frightening to have a loose tooth being an adult. Well, it must be noted that not all loose teeth require to be removed or fall off. Go through the following array of the article and know more about it.
Can A Loose Tooth Tighten Back Up?
There are several causes of loose tooth. You can have a loose tooth because of continuous grinding of the tooth, or due to gum disease, lack of proper nutrition, trauma, or some other causes. It must be noted that a loose tooth in children can be considered normal, as in children usually the milk teeth falls and there comes up the permanent teeth. However, in adults a loose tooth can really be a reason to worry. But, again, with proper and timely dental treatments, a loose tooth can tighten back up, especially if it is not due to the later stages of periodontitis or gum disease.
A Loose Tooth Due To Trauma Can Tighten Back Up:
If you are into any kind of contact sport, it is always a good idea to wear a mouth guard for protecting your teeth from being knocked loose in the first place. In many bumped tooth accidents, you might trip and fall, and might notice a loose tooth immediately after being struck in the face.
In some cases, a loose tooth may naturally tighten back up in the socket, if it is mainly the gums, that were injured.
There are chances that in case of severe bumped tooth accidents, the nerve and/or the tooth root have been damaged by the impact. Your tooth may begin to change color and go gray as the living pulp inside of the tooth dies. Even if the tooth does not fall out immediately, it becomes weak and vulnerable and may fall later.
If you hit a tooth, and if it feels loose; you need to avoid touching the tooth as it may worsen the trauma and lead to infection, avoid chewing anything on that side of your mouth as it would put pressure on the loose tooth, use a cold compress on the outside of your mouth for immediate pain relief and contact your dentist on an immediate basis. Your dentist may require to X-ray the loose tooth in order to check for root or nerve damage. You might need a root canal to save the tooth or may simply a mouth splint would be helpful to protect the tooth and hold it in place while it heals.
A Loose Tooth At An Early Stage Gum Disease Can Tighten Back Up:
At a very early stage of gum disease or periodontitis, a loose tooth can tighten back up. This is in the sense that the gum tissue can potentially heal completely. As the gum tissue heals, they become firmer and can once again support the loose tooth and keep it from wiggling so much in the socket.
However, loose teeth are usually a sign of gum disease that has progressed to the point where the primary treatment goal is just to keep the condition from getting worse.
A Loose Tooth At Later Stages Of Gum Disease Cannot be Tighten Back Up:
In case of advanced periodontitis or at the later stages of gum diseases, it may be unavoidable to prevent tooth loss. It means, loose tooth at later stages of gum disease cannot tighten back up. This is because in the later stages of the gum disease, the gums and also the underlying jaw bone has been affected. Bone, usually does not regrow once it has been lost.
- If there occurs a loose tooth or tooth loss, a dental restoration, such as dentures or blade-style dental implants may be the only way to fix the issue.
- It must be mentioned that gum diseases like Periodontitis can be usually prevented with good oral hygiene and dietary habits.
A Loose Tooth Due To Grinding Problem:
Some people grind their teeth that might cause a loose tooth. However, if you grind your teeth too often and that resulted in a loose tooth, then you will require to talk to your dentist as soon as possible. Grinding problems can be treated easily to protect your teeth and also prevent any additional injury.
Your dentist might prescribe a mouthguard for you to wear, especially when you are sleeping, so as to keep your teeth from grinding against each other.
Other Causes Of A Loose Tooth That Can Tighten Back Up:
We must inform you that if the injured tooth is slightly loose, then it will usually tighten up on its own naturally. There may be a small amount of bleeding from the gums while it heals. You need to avoid chewing or biting with that affected tooth and also stick to soft foods for some days. Also keep a note to consult your dentist to be sure that the injured tooth is nothing serious to be worried about.
Very loose or knocked out tooth or a tooth that is almost falling out, fractured, or knocked-out, requires a dental emergency and you should try to see your dentist within 2 hours. In order to save the tooth, it must be put back in its socket as soon as possible.
It is true that having a loose tooth as an adult can be unnerving and you need to see your dentist for essential medical help. However, you must not get panic, as a loose tooth does not always mean a tooth loss.
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