What Helps With Parkinson’s Tremors?

What Helps With Parkinson’s Tremors?

Treatment procedures of Parkinson’s disease are varied. It ranges from medication to surgery, whatever suits best for the patient. In case of extreme Parkinson’s tremors in advanced Parkinson’s disease, deep brain stimulation may be used as a treatment method. This technique may be provided to patients who have unstable medication responses. Deep brain stimulation is known to stabilize medication fluctuation, along with the reduction of tremor and rigidity for improvement of the motor abilities if the patient.

The process of deep brain stimulation is done by specialized surgeons. The surgeon happens to implant electrodes in specific parts of the patient’s brain. These electrodes are then connected to a generator put in the chest near the collar bone. This sends electrical impulses in the brain, which help in the reduction of the tremors and other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. This technique can help in stabilizing fluctuations with respect to medication, halt dyskinesia or the involuntary movements and also helps in tremor reduction. Thus, deep brain stimulation is generally advised for people who have unstable medication responses.

What Helps With Parkinson's Tremors?

What Dietary Restrictions Can Help In Reducing Parkinson’s Tremors?

Sometimes, the doctor may ask the patient to avoid certain food because such may interfere with the medications so prescribed thereby increasing the tremors and other symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. Such may include-

  • Increased consumption of air dried or fermented fish and meat.
  • Kimchi or any other kind of fermented vegetables.
  • Soya sauce or other products from soya bean.
  • Legumes like kidney beans, edamame or lentils.
  • Aged cheese.
  • Beverages like red wine and beer.

What are the Non-Pharmacological Ways To Manage Tremors In Parkinson’s Disease?

Although medication and surgical methods may help patients get relief from tremors in Parkinson’s disease, certain strategies practiced by patients may help manage tremors better. They include-

Physical Support: Providence of a stable surface for a limb affected by Parkinson’s tremor can increase ease for the patient and also help decrease the tremor. A classic example may include asking for a booth while going to eat out. Sitting next to the wall in the affected side and resting the arm on the table and against the wall may help manage the tremors.

Occupational Therapy: The patient may seek the guidance of his occupational therapist in order to explore the use of arm cuffs or weighted hand in order to manage tremors during the sessions of functional activities. The patient may be prescribed forearm cooling by a trained occupational therapist. The principle on which it works is that tremors can be managed for some hours by managing the temperature of the muscle.

No Multi-Tasking: The patient may be advised not to indulge in multi-tasking as this may increase the chances of tremors.

Above all, it is extremely important to adopt strategies to manage stress as it can worsen the tremors in Parkinson’s disease.

What Lifestyle Changes May Help Reduce The Parkinson’s Tremors?

Doctors may advice certain lifestyle changes in order to manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and also the tremors associated with it. They may include-

Green Tea: Research shows that green tea may be beneficial in reducing tremors in Parkinson’s disease. The patient may substitute his daily consumption of tea with green tea for increased benefits.

Reduce Meat: Patient with Parkinson’s disease should limit his consumption of animal and plant protein of his daily diet.

Regular Activity: Exercising everyday may help with reduction of tremors and other symptoms like muscle stiffness in Parkinson’s disease.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 25, 2018

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