What is the Cause of Death in Parkinson’s Disease?
Parkinson’s disease itself is not fatal. Nevertheless, the symptoms associated with it can be quite dangerous because they affect the motor abilities of the patient. If motor abilities are affected, the patient may lose balance and fall. Falls can be pretty dangerous in unsafe environment which may eventually lead to death. Other complications with swallowing and dementia may also be fatal if proper care is not taken.
How Can Falls Resulting from Parkinson’s Disease be Fatal?
Patients with Parkinson’s disease are seen to be at an increased risk of bad falls which can lead to death. Generally it is seen that death results from hip fractures that require hospitalization because surgery would be required. Hip surgery is a major operation which carries the risk of infection, heart failure and blood clots. Such clots become dangerous if they reach the lungs. Sometimes fall may even lead to fatal brain injuries if not taken care properly.
How to Take Care Of Patients With Parkinson’s Disease?
The condition of Parkinson’s disease progress with time and demands care from a care giver. The disease affects the motor abilities of the patient and the gradual loss of independence can be disheartening. Care givers should-
Emotional Support: Try maintaining the quality of life of the patient with proper mental support.
Follow-Up: It is the responsibility of the caregiver to take the patient for proper follow-ups to the doctor.
Diet: The care giver should keep an eye on the diet of the patient. He should have a balanced and nutritious diet. He should also be motivated to exercise regularly.
Learn More About the Disease:The care giver should make attempts to learn about the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in order to provide sufficient empowerment to the patient.
How Does The Parkinson’s Disease Progress Over Time?
Although slow, Parkinson’s disease is progressive in nature where the condition keeps worsening at every stage.
In the initial stage, the symptoms are seen to be mild in nature. The symptoms do not really interfere with the daily tasks and the lifestyle of the patient. The tremors and problems with balance, movement starts from one side of the body.
The next phase is characterized by moderate form of the symptoms which are distinctively noticed by people. The muscles become stiff and posture is likely to be irregular. Exercise may be recommended by the doctor to ease out the stiffness. However, balance of the patient is not much impaired.
The next stage is considered to be the turning point of the symptoms because the patient may start to lose control over his balance of the posture. He may also experience decreased reflex and is more prone to fall down while his movements become slower. In this stage, occupational therapy is required to help the patient with the stiffness and fine motor abilities.
In the second last stage the patient may not even be able to stand without help. The patient should not live alone because daily activities cannot be done independently. It is extremely important to have the assistance if a care giver at this stage.
The most advanced stage of Parkinson’s disease includes complete loss of balance where the patient may not even find it possible to stand or walk. Parkinson’s freeze is quite common at this stage and the legs become stiff. A care giver should be present all the time to help him with daily activities because the motor abilities of the patient get adversely hampered.
Also Read:
- Parkinson’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Investigations, Treatment
- What Happens To Someone With Parkinson’s Disease?
- How Long Does It Take For Parkinson’s Disease To Progress?
- How Do People Die Of Parkinson’s?
- Who May Be Trapped with Parkinson’s Disease?
- How Do I Care For Someone With Parkinson’s Disease?