What are Bladder Emptying Exercises & How are they Done?

What Are Bladder Emptying Exercises?

Bladder Emptying Exercise is a way to empty the bladder completely whenever there is an urge to use the restroom. The condition in which an individual is not able to completely empty the bladder in one go is termed as urinary retention. Incomplete bladder emptying occurs when the muscles which control the flow of urine are unable to direct or control when to empty the bladder. This can be caused due to nerve damage or weak muscles. Urinary retention causes the urine to flow back towards the kidneys or it can even lead to bladder infection.

How are Bladder Emptying Exercises Done?

Some effective exercises which can be performed to promote complete emptying of the bladder and reduce urinary retention are:

Kegel Exercises: An Excellent Exercise To Completely Empty Your Bladder

A type of pelvic floor muscle exercise, Kegel exercise works to strengthen the pelvic muscles, which hold urine in the bladder. Since urinary retention can be triggered by muscle weakness, Kegel exercises prove beneficial in reinforcing the work of these pelvic muscles. Experts recommend practicing Kegel exercises regularly to completely empty your bladder. To perform Kegel exercises, one should tighten their pelvic floor muscles, keep them contracted for 3 seconds and then release them. This step should be repeated 10 times, thrice a day or as many times you want. Patient should attempt not to contract the abdominal muscles or the muscles of the buttocks or thighs when doing this exercise. Repetitions and the duration for which the pelvic muscles are contracted should be increased gradually. Improvement in bladder control is generally seen within 3 to 6 weeks.

Bladder Training: A Beneficial Bladder Emptying Exercise

This is a kind of therapeutic bladder emptying exercise, which works by practicing holding of urine and then using the bathroom at scheduled times. A schedule of urinating at intervals, which has been designated after consulting a doctor, should be followed. One can start in 15-minute increments and then gradually increase the duration between voiding. The individual should try urinating on the scheduled time of using the bathroom, even if they do not have the urge to do so. If they feel an untimely urge to urinate, they should try to hold the urine until the next scheduled time for urinating comes. By practicing bladder training, one can re-train their bladder to completely empty when the sensation occurs. Positive results of this bladder emptying exercise and greater bladder control is likely to be observed in 6 to 12 weeks.

Pessary with Kegel Exercises for Better Bladder Emptying in Women

A pessary is a kind of device which is inserted into the vagina for supporting the pelvic structures. It is mostly prescribed for patients having a cystocele, a condition in which the bladder drops down into the vagina. Cystocele can cause urinary incontinence or urinary retention. Once a right-sized pessary is inserted into the vagina, it can be worn for many days to weeks at a time. After insertion of the pessary, the patient can practice contracting their pelvic muscles (Kegel exercises) around the device for strengthening the pelvic muscles, which help to hold urine. It is not necessary to use the pelvic muscles for keeping the pessary in place, but a pessary provides an object upon which muscle strengthening or bladder emptying exercises can be practiced.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 28, 2018

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