What Are The Home Remedies For Priapism?

Priapism is an uncommon condition which is characterized by the prolonged and persistent erection of penis unrelated to sexual arousal or desire. It is painful which is felt most at the tip of the penis. It can develop in men of any age; it is most common in the third decade. It is caused by diseases like sickle cell anemia, leukemia, multiple myeloma, thalassemia, etc., alcohol and drug abuse and medications like blood thinners, antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc. It does not resolve by sexual activity or masturbation.

What Are The Home Remedies For Priapism?

What Are The Home Remedies For Priapism?

The home remedies for priapism are-

Urination – in a priapism attack, you should go to urination when you feel desire. Do not wait till you are full as urination can relax the erection to some extent.

Drinking Water – in such a situation, you should drink as much as water as you can it should be more than what you intake. Drinking lots of water can assist in oxygen-rich blood supply to the penis.

Warm Showers – you should take warm showers when your penis is stuck in erection, it helps a lot to control priapism.

Urination Before Sleep – morning erections is a normal phenomenon and it is closely related to a full bladder. You should evacuate your bladder at night before sleep. It has been reported that early morning erections can lead to a priapism attack.

Exercises – exercising during an attack can resolve an erection. You can perform squats, jogging, cycling, running up and down a stair, gentle walk or running on the spot for this condition.

Cold Ice Packs – never apply cold packs or ice to the penis as they are harmful during priapism.

Sexual Activities – scientific studies state that having sex or masturbation during a priapism has no effect on the erection. On the other hand, it can lengthen the erection.

Alcohol or Drug Abusesmoking, alcohol abuse or recreational drug abuse can trigger the priapism attack.

Stress – stress can be more dangerous for priapism as it can worsen a priapism attack. You should opt for counseling and other support groups for stress relieving.

Medicines – you may take painkillers to relieve your pain. But you should not take other medicines such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc. without the consent of your physician.

Priapism can develop at any age in males usually in the age between 5-10 years or 20-50 years, even in newborns. Priapism is caused by disrupted blood flow in the penis. The blood gets trapped in the erection chambers of the penis and is not able to drain out.


Priapism is a urologic emergency marked by the painful, persistent and involuntary erection of the penis without a sexual arousal. Home remedies like warm baths, frequent urination, drinking surplus water, etc. as discussed above can reduce the erection especially if it ends in 4 hours.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 3, 2019

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