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Is PAPVR A Disability & Life Expectancy Of Someone With It?

Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return is a type of heart defect by birth i.e. congenital heart defect, where a few of the pulmonary veins carrying blood to the heart from lungs fail to enter the left atrium i.e. upper left chamber of the heart.(1)

Babies and/or infants suffering from PAPVR have a hole between their left and right atriums. This hole causes the combination of blood to enter the left part of the blood and pump out to other body parts.(2)

PAPVR results in various symptoms, which include frequent respiratory problems, cyanosis, poor growth and feeding, rapid breathing, and similar others.(3)

Is PAPVR A Disability?

Is PAPVR A Disability?

Yes, PAPVR is a type of congenital heart disease and individuals may easily get disability benefits if they suffer from congenital heart disease.

Especially, people with heart defects get disability benefits if their disease leads to severe functional limitations or cyanosis on their work abilities. If your condition becomes so severe that it prevents you to work, you easily get disability benefits from SSI i.e. Social Security.

If you check the Social Security related updates for congenital heart disease, you will find that SSI gives benefits to people dealing with cyanotic heart defects, which include the following-

  • Poor connection between venous circulation and pulmonary veins, such as PAPVR, TATVR, PAPVC and TATVC and so on
  • Fallot tetralogy referred to as low oxygenation because of a right-left shunt to cause a blue baby type of syndrome
  • Truncus arteriosus failure of pulmonary artery and aorta to divide properly
  • Transposition of the pulmonary artery and aorta
  • Atresia i.e. defect present in the tricuspid heart valve
  • Defect in the pulmonary valve
  • Tricuspid valve defect
  • Underdevelopment of left ventricle with aortic and mitral valves(4)

Life Expectancy Of Infants And Children Suffering From PAPVR

Most of the infants suffered from partial anomalous pulmonary venous return surgical treatment have grown and developed normally. However, regular follow up of your infant from a pediatric cardiologist is very much essential. He/she will make the necessary assessments and check for other cardiac problems.

As a few of the children grow, they have narrow reconnection between the left atrium and pulmonary arteries. The narrow connection prevents the movement of blood towards the left atrium from the lungs. For this, cardiologists recommend additional treatment procedures, which include the following-

Placement of stent, which is a type of wire mesh device in the narrowed veins for opening them performed at the time of cardiac catheterization.
Your cardiologist refers your baby to a cardiac surgeon to perform the enlargement of narrowed pulmonary veins and their connections via surgical procedures.(5)

Another research study has revealed that infants and/or newborns have to go a long road to achieve complete recovery from the condition of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return disease. On the other side, many children do not have any long-term effect and hence, they do not need limiting their sports or living on life-saving medicines.

Some children and infants may have abnormal heart rhythm i.e. arrhythmia, for which they need treatment with medications, pacemakers, and radiofrequency ablation methods. However, regular follow-up is very much essential for every PAPVR patient to lead a normal life. PAPVR patients should schedule an appointment with a pediatric cardiologist regularly even when they complete 18years or enter adulthood.(6)


Based on the mentioned facts, we should say that as PAPVR is a type of congenital heart defect, one could approach SSI to get disability benefits if the patients’ condition prevents them to perform regular activities. Moreover, children with PAPVR conditions have a good life expectancy, as most of them may lead to a normal life without any limitation to sports and physical activities.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 3, 2022

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