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Pregnancy & Parenting

What Is The Most Common Cause Of Mitral Regurgitation?

What Is The Most Common Cause Of Mitral Regurgitation? There are many factors which causes mitral regurgitation: Mitral Valve Prolapsed (MVP). The mitral valve leaflet bulges...

Breastfeeding Benefits For Baby and Mother

Breastfeeding has a wide range of benefits not only for the infant but also for the mother. Apart from helping meet the nutrition requirement,...

Can Molar Pregnancy Happen Twice?

Molar pregnancy is a rare complication of pregnancy that is marked by the growth of an abnormal group of cells called mole. This condition...

Can A Molar Pregnancy Turn Into Cancer?

A molar pregnancy is a chance complication of pregnancy. This condition is caused due to trophoblasts - the cells that would normally grow into...

How Do You Detect A Molar Pregnancy?

A molar pregnancy is a complication that is seen rarely in pregnancy; in which the trophoblasts grow abnormally, compromising the growth of placenta. This...

How To Cope With Molar Pregnancy?

You may start feeling a great many things when you are diagnosed with a molar pregnancy. You may feel upset and shocked. You may...

Lifestyle Changes For Molar Pregnancy

A molar pregnancy is a chance complication of pregnancy that occurs very rarely. It cannot be continued as a normal pregnancy and needs to...

What To Eat And Avoid When You Have Molar Pregnancy?

A complication that can occur in a normal pregnancy, when the trophoblasts - the cells that would normally grow to become a placenta -...

How Common Is Partial Molar Pregnancy?

Molar pregnancy or hydatidiform mole is an abnormality of the placental cells (trophoblastic cells which normally develop into the placenta) which occur during the...

How Long Can A Molar Pregnancy Go Undetected?

How Long Can A Molar Pregnancy Go Undetected? A molar pregnancy is diagnosed by an ultra sound scan. It is difficult to diagnose molar pregnancy...
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