In vitro Fertilization or IVF has become the most preferred approach among infertile couples to get pregnant. In vitro Fertilization or IVF was relatively unknown in the 80s and the 90s but constant research in the area has led to this approach take center stage due to the its immense success rate in making females pregnant.
In vitro Fertilization or IVF has helped a lot of couples have healthy babies who otherwise had tried all methods of conceiving but were unsuccessful. Infertility has been on the rise in recent years across the globe. There are many reasons to it of which lifestyle remains to be the primary cause. The eating habits of many females with the amount of work and stress that they have to undergo have also contributed to infertility. Alcohol consumption has also been on the rise in recent years among females which also has contributed immensely towards infertility among females.
The success rate of In Vitro Fertilization or IVF is what has been discussed in brief below.
How Successful Is In Vitro Fertilization Or IVF?
The success of In vitro Fertilization or IVF depends on the age of the female, the more the age of a female the less become the chances of her becoming pregnant.
Approximate figures show that a females within the age bracket of 24 to 34 years have the highest chances of conceiving at about 30% which starts to go down and goes to as low as 2% in females above the age of 44.
Age of the females not only cuts down the success rate of In vitro Fertilization or IVF but also increases the risks of miscarriage even if the female conceives along with other complications which may endanger the life of the fetus. This is because with age the quality of the eggs that are produced becomes poor to an extent that conceiving becomes difficult.
Another factor which affects the success rate of In vitro Fertilization or IVF is whether the male partner, female partner, or both have a problem with fertility. If both partners have fertility issues then the success rate of In vitro Fertilization or IVF drastically dips. Other underlying problems, especially in females with fertility issues also play a contributing factor.
About 80% of infertile females suffer from a condition called endometriosis which is a treatable condition through surgery and after successful surgery the chances of the female conceiving significantly increases. Just as females, males with fertility issues have a blocked tube which is also a treatable condition with surgery and once treated they can also become fertile in up to 45% of cases.
In case if a couple has had previous successful In vitro Fertilization or IVF then the success rate of a repeat In vitro Fertilization or IVF increases significantly. In retrospect, however, if a couple has had a failed attempt at In vitro Fertilization or IVF then the chances of In vitro Fertilization or IVF being successful a second time is pretty low.
Lifestyle plays a crucial role in the ability of a female being able to conceive. Females who smoke and drink alcohol and abuse recreational drugs are less likely to conceive even after In vitro Fertilization or IVF than people who do not indulge in such habits.
The weight of a female is also an important factor in deciding whether In vitro Fertilization or IVF will be successful. An overweight or obese female will have a low success rate of conceiving through In vitro Fertilization or IVF than a female of a normal weight.
As In vitro Fertilization or IVF makes use of donor eggs, the quality of the donor eggs also plays a role in the success rate of In vitro Fertilization or IVF. Donor eggs from a young female at the peak of her fertility is more likely to make a female conceive than donor eggs from an older female
In summary, a knowledge that you may not be able to conceive is quite stressful and quite hard to cope up with but with the path breaking advancements in medicine and treatments like In vitro Fertilization or IVF a lot of females have been able to conceive and have given birth to healthy children. This proves that infertility is a thing of the past and if you are found to be a good candidate for In Vitro Fertilization or IVF then there is every chance that you would be able to conceive after undergoing this treatment.
- Mayo Clinic. (2021). In vitro fertilization (IVF). Retrieved from:
American Pregnancy Association. (2021). In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Success Rates. Retrieved from:
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